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  1. #1
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    22 M First Pic Post, Opinions?

    22 M Training for 5 years
    5' 9" 193lbs, down from 204 wish i had the previous pics, they were bad, i felt like shit!!!! pants are falling off now! Awsome feeling, but im not done yet. Im thinking about 14%BF maybe im off? What do you all think? Im going to get down to 10 before bulk. No cycles experience, yet. Just let me know what you guys think and what i need to work on. I know CHEST FOR SURE!!! Thanks guys, dont tear me up to bad

  2. #2
    Triple X's Avatar
    Triple X is offline Banned
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    Not bad, you have a good base. I don't see the 193lbs. though. You could still drop a good 10 pounds and you'd be looking a lot better. Keep up the hard work. Like I said, you have a good base to work with

  3. #3
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    i think you are a lil higher than 14%

  4. #4
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    i think you are a lil higher than 14%
    14 is definately a little low. Up the cardio and drop some more bodyfat and you will look bigger. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    sorry but im 5'9 165 atm and i dont see the 30 lbs u have on me.

    see 10-15 lbs of fat and like 10 lbs of muscle

    sorry for the negativity but i dont want to be that when i hit 195!

    making me feel bad now

  6. #6
    mousetraps's Avatar
    mousetraps is offline Member
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    what are your goals?

  7. #7
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    good job on the weight lose keep going man. id say ur higher than 14% not a whole lot u jus hold fat on ur lower stomach more than anywhere else. keep at it

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    dhrischer: Good base bro, I'd keep leaning up to see what you're actually working with under there.

    I'd suggest posting your current diet in the Diet Forum for better critique and faster progress.

  9. #9
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    jesus christ I** your legs are just like ****ing amazing in your avy!

    Just cut man, worry about size after a good bf%

  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Thx bro that was 7wks out from my last contest, they've put on quite a bit of thickness since then. They actually look skinny to me in my avi, it motivates me. I'll update in a few months or so.

  11. #11
    mousetraps's Avatar
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  12. #12
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for not tearing me up to bad, and i know i still got lbs to lose. Ill post more pics in a few weeks when I cut lower, im going to get my bf tested hydrostatic soon, and ill let you know exactly where im at. But your probably right 14 is low. Ill get my diet on the diet forum and get where i need to be.

  13. #13
    mousetraps's Avatar
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    its a wonderful board here, where anyone who is looking for either better performance or looks can join... no one will rip into you like the other boards around

  14. #14
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    man please forgive me for how i came accross i really dig ur pics and body. and jealous. so ill give a full run down so u understand what im coming from.

    ur shoulders are quite massive in those pics bicep are good. and tricep are bigger which is awesome. ur back is really wide which is surprising in a good way. ur traps also are naturally standing up it looks like. which is good. many peopels traps do not stand up in urs seam to naturally in ur first picture.
    ur stomach is there, but personally i like having a small gut. never really want to get a 6 pack for personal reasons, preferance.

    what im not digging if ur waist. u seam to hold a bit of fat there. i also do. but i dont like that i do. good can see ur v line clear near ur crotch.

    ill be real and i realised somthing which i didnt even think about for a while.

    i didnt ever think about it but now i do, when u raise ur weight. u gain muscle and fat. even if ur body fat only raises 2% ur still alot heavier. so 15% body fat at 194. is more lbs then 15% body fat at 165 lbs. which now i understand. same body fat. but more fat cause more total weight. which makes sense
    i didnt mean to flame. just not my pysic im aiming for. like i dont think i want my back to be as wide as urs
    dont know why i just dont want to have a noticeably big and wide back. i just dont want to be a square like my friend. he was like 180 lbs at 5'9 or maybe 190. he had a really tight chest. a slim stomach (no abs) im guessing 15%. thing is he had great big arms with no definition for some reason and his chest and back was huge so he just looked like a square.!

    so what i want is like a more defined smaller back.still v shape but not noticeably big with a tshirt.

    i want rounded shoulders.. medium traps. big triceps. big biceps, medium for arms. i want a medium chest with low fat, but i have natural gyno so im tshirt shy and unhappy. i have a nice stomach dont really work my legs but they are big for my work on them and naturally big from playing multiple sports for a good 10years solid and on and off the past 4 years.

    so yeh sorry to drag this on but im just in that mood, apologetic cause i really dont like to put people down unless i feel i have a reason or should to better them. i spilt my guts, i have a decent body. but still unhappy and shy about it. and yeh just my apraoch is different and maybe nieva but its what im doing you know?

    so infact i should be complimenting u, ur middle back is too wide on the outsides for my likeings and ur waist is a big rounded. u just finished bulking and starting to cut so sorry for being rude when u should have that extra lbs there. so 180-185 and ur going to be fighting fit and look really good. im a idiot and im wrong so i aplogise

    no love lost, now please go to my thread and give ur honest opinions on my pictures because i turely want u to be as brutal and real as i have been thanks


  15. #15
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    The French are weird.

  16. #16
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    its the wine

  17. #17
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    dhrischer: Good base bro, I'd keep leaning up to see what you're actually working with under there.

    I'd suggest posting your current diet in the Diet Forum for better critique and faster progress.
    I second what I B D said. I would sya you are closer to 17ish% bodyfat. Got any leg pics? I would keep leaning up if I were you. I don't like to tell guys their "weak points" unless they are competing and on a higher level. I believe that telling people their weak points only leads them to neglect othermuscles and over prioitize the bodyparts that are weaker, causing them to become overtrained. Besides, IMO, little time should be focused on bringing up weaker points unless you have A LOT of mass on your. Until then, I feel like it can hinder overall growth. Sure, if you focus on weaker parts when you are younger and less developed, you are probably going to become pretty symmetrical, but who wants to be small/skinny and symmetrical? Not me, I woudl rather grow as large as I can, and then start worrying about weak points and bringing them up. Although, I will say that prioritization during your workouts would be fine to do, such as doing an incline movement for chest to start off your workout with, instead of doing a flat movement.

  18. #18
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    The French are weird.

    LOL no sh*t, WTF?

  19. #19
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks I really appreciate the comment. Im not going to start until im around 10% and ill post pics in a few weeks to show my progress thanks guys

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