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  1. #1
    M3Burnin is offline New Member
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    First cycle advice

    Hey everyone, I posted a while back with a bf estimation and I havent really changed since then. I want to be shredded w/size for the summer time so Im going to cut with clen 2 months, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off and hopefully shred alot of fat. And then I plan on running test prop for 10 weeks. I know I'm no where close to my natural limit but I need a jumpstart, and some motivation.

    I am 19 y/o 5'6, 179lbs

    I want to run clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with a high protein low carb diet. and 5x a week cardio and medium lifting. This is for about 2 months.

    And then I plan on running the cycle below...

    Testosterone Propionate

    Week 1-10
    100mg test prop injected every other day.
    .5 ml a day armidrex

    3 days after last injection begin PCT:

    2 weeks of 150mg/day clomid followed by
    2 weeks of 50mg/day clomid followed by
    2 weeks of 40mg/day nolvadex followed by
    2 weeks of 20mg/day nolvadex

    If I have a decent amount of fat left over I may throw in some clen with my pct.

    Plus all this information I have a few questions. should I inject monday, wednesday, friday only? Because monday, wed, fri, and sun would mess things up???

    Thanks in advance.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First cycle advice-side.jpg   First cycle advice-front.jpg  
    Last edited by M3Burnin; 02-16-2009 at 12:44 PM.

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    You realize at 19 no one is going to advocate you using, and to be perfectly honest from looking at your pictures you should learn to train and diet properly first.

  3. #3
    C-MaN's Avatar
    C-MaN is offline Senior Member
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    bro, everyone is going to tell you the same thing. You are to young. But your probably going to use no matter what we tell you. Like fireguy said. Diet..cardio...and some more cardio

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    You realize at 19 no one is going to advocate you using, and to be perfectly honest from looking at your pictures you should learn to train and diet properly first.
    ^^EXACTLY !!!

    You can do the cycle, but :

    1. You shouldn't

    2. I am betting you don't get the results you expect

    3. Your bodyfat% guess in December was well over 20% and you said yourself you didn't do anything since to drop it, so that is a red flag right there

    4. PCT is poorly planned out

    too many things don't look well for you to be using steroids right now

    You need to get your diet in line FIRST and drop some bodyfat. Using steroids with higher bodyfats can cause you more problems during the cycle including gyno

    and i am sure you don't want to go to the beach with bitch tits !!

  5. #5
    M3Burnin is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up

    Yeah I know my bf% is pretty bad, but I'm hoping to shred it down with the clen and some serious cardio BEFORE the cycle for 2-3 months. Plus I have all the gear so its hard to not use it now. I'm just waiting for my clen.

  6. #6
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M3Burnin View Post
    Yeah I know my bf% is pretty bad, but I'm hoping to shred it down with the clen and some serious cardio BEFORE the cycle for 2-3 months. Plus I have all the gear so its hard to not use it now. I'm just waiting for my clen.

    Well, you can have a loaded gun in your house too, but that doesn't mean you have to blow your head off now does it???

    Be careful, be safe, you gonna do it so do it smart. get your bodyfat down so you don't have other issues

    while you wait that 2-3 months get more reading done on PCT and get that straightened out

    DON'T rely on the Clen to do all the work, they are not magic , they are AIDS to help an already clean diet and training


    Keep us posted on your results and recover

  7. #7
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    You are no where near close to taking ANYTHING.

    Learn to eat right and up the cardio, case closed.

  8. #8
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Your mindset is 180 degrees from where it needs to be. You are waiting for your clen so you can start to diet and you want to use AAS for a "jumpstart and motivation". No offense but you sound and look like someone who is not willing to put in the work necessary to reach your goals. You can get shredded without clen and you can have a great and very muscular build without juice.

  9. #9
    jbm's Avatar
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    I don't like the idea of cycling at such a young age.

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
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    diet and cardio.

  11. #11
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    cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio too much time on my hands

  12. #12
    M3Burnin is offline New Member
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    Red face

    I thank you all for your input, and words of wisdom. I'm just going to add clen to my new diet and exercize program I've been on for a month. After that ill update with pics and stats and re-consider the prop.

  13. #13
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lfs2shrt2bsml View Post
    cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio too much time on my hands
    So, tell us how you really feel about doing some cardio.................

  14. #14
    M3Burnin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    So, tell us how you really feel about doing some cardio.................
    Haha, believe it or not before kids got me into le herb" I used to run 4 miles down a dirt trail 3 or 4 times a week. Once I get used to it I should get crankin again

  15. #15
    jbm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M3Burnin View Post
    Haha, believe it or not before kids got me into le herb" I used to run 4 miles down a dirt trail 3 or 4 times a week. Once I get used to it I should get crankin again
    Good Luck on your CARDIO!LOL!

  16. #16
    green182's Avatar
    green182 is offline Junior Member
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    Diet and cardio PLEASE

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