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  1. #1
    dirtydeeds is offline New Member
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    help on finishing my goal.... to look Decent!!

    whats good fellas... heres the scoop.. names d... first off. me commin off a football season i was a good 260... afterwards i wentt to work started buildin scaffolds working construction as followed by an eca stack that consisted of 25 mg e with some hdroxy hardcore at lunch.. it made me loose a good 25+lbs in 5 weeks.... now i always had sorta man buubs and wen i got leaner still had em... now im here asking for your guys's advancend input. im pretty literate in the bb world as far as gettin strong supps n such for bulking. now i jus need some help on how to get rid of what you see there when im flexing in my chest.. any advice on what works from experiance would be kooo... and some advice on wich sups to try out. im gettin my taxs bak soon so im down to invest for my looks and health.. please holler at me an let me kno bros... and yea the eca worked prety dam good as u can tell.. and with the rite help i will gladly post my results.. imma hard worker im used to it. i know what it takes to win... i got me my state ring+_+///// and i kno you get what you train for...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails help on finishing my goal.... to look Decent!!-deedooodo.jpg   help on finishing my goal.... to look Decent!!-deeddd.jpg   help on finishing my goal.... to look Decent!!-dedooo.jpg   help on finishing my goal.... to look Decent!!-dddd.jpg   help on finishing my goal.... to look Decent!!-double-keg-after-states.jpg  

  2. #2
    NewJuice's Avatar
    NewJuice is offline Associate Member
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    just crush the cardio and that will all tighten up... Like 45 minutes a day right whne you roll out of bed in the am, Then tune your diet. Thats all you need

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    actually I'd spend your tax money on good, clean food.

    post up your diet in the diet forum.

    and, yep, pound that cardio

  4. #4
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
    xnotoriousx is offline Anabolic Member
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    Get a good multi, some whey and maybe a fat burner like reduction.

    Get over to the diet forums and learn everything you can, then use it to form your own diet.

    Do cardio, 45 minutes a day 5-6x a week (this is that hard work you were talking about)

    Bottom line, if you want to lose that fat, then cardio needs to be the staple in your workout schedule.

  5. #5
    dirtydeeds is offline New Member
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    word... yea i actually get some fd stamps bout 200 worth.... so the food is not a prob... i got a good hold on how to eat clean... i hope to find a proved diet. unless its written out i kinda tend to cheat.. so il work on that... any recomends on any type or supps that shed fat bythemselves? i hear cla or a fish oil.... ?

  6. #6
    RAILroad's Avatar
    RAILroad is offline Junior Member
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    IMO you dont need to think about supps. but fish oils are good for every day use. providing your essential efa's. but otherwise I dont see a need to get into thermos and everything. eat clean and hit the gym. good luck.

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Great progress, I hate to say it but surgery may be your answer to the gyno issue. Getting lean may help but I dont think its going to fix it, may make them stand out even more.

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