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  1. #1
    Espyteam is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    3 Months of Lifting...

    I've been seriously lifting for 3 months now. Started at 152lbs and 6'1" (dont know my BF% then). I started dumbbell bench press with 55lbs bells.
    Now I weigh 165lbs and 6'1", 5% BF. Repping 90lbs bells on bench press now.
    I am going to start a strict diet in order to put on mass over the next two months.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 3 Months of Lifting...-lunapic_127793017399608_4.jpg  

  2. #2
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Espyteam View Post
    I've been seriously lifting for 3 months now. Started at 152lbs and 6'1" (dont know my BF% then). I started dumbbell bench press with 55lbs bells.
    Now I weigh 165lbs and 6'1", 5% BF. Repping 90lbs bells on bench press now.
    I am going to start a strict diet in order to put on mass over the next two months.

    How old are you?

    How many cals are you getting.?

    Great work so far! I think that you will gain and carry the weight well.

    BF might be around 10%...sorry

  3. #3
    Espyteam is offline New Member
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    22 years old.
    Obviously not getting enough cals but Ill post something up as soon as a get a menu in writing.
    I said 5% b/c thats what the electronic things keep spitting out at me. It seemed a little low to me though.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Real glad to not hear you considering AAS. first, conquer your diet and exercise program. At your age, you will find if you master those two things, you can put on some serious gains. Just remember that adding muscle is a slow process, so you have to stick with it over time. There are tabs here for both diet and exercise, so you will have to spend some time reading and learning. Some quick pointers? Try not to over train. Focus on one muscle group a day with sets of 15/10/5 to failure. And only focus on that muscle group 1x a week. Muscles grow at rest, and for a period of three days or so after an intense workout. Don't be fooled by the pump you see in the mirror. That doesn't have much to do with muscular growth. And you will need to learn the relationship and timing of eating complex carbs / protein and fat, and when to eat each. After you read and learn, come back and post your diet / work out routine. We will be happy to critique! Good luck mate!

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I agree with around 10% bodyfat. So far, great job!

    PS - tough to go from 55lbs to 90lbs in 3 months - my guess is you underestimated yourself to begin with and probably could have pushed 65lbs - 70lbs... just my opinion.

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