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  1. #1
    trentj20 is offline New Member
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    could use a bit of help/advice/encouragement

    So I just recently became a member of this forum so thanks for the help fellas. I'm 5' 10" tall weigh about 194 right now but mostly in my midsection. I've had to take 4 months of from the gym from an umbilical Hernia i got when deployed to the desert. I was in really good shape at the time about(well good shape for me some of you guys are jacked). I weighed about 174 put up 285 on bench etc. I've been cleared to start working out again but its been rough i cant shed the pounds so I was thinking bout getting a little help from clenbueterol and t3. this is my pic right now i think high twenties to low thirties in bf% but I'll let you guys be the judge of that. Any advice would be more than appreciated. If you think it wouldn't be a bad Idea i can post the sample stack I was considering.
    Thanks guys
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails could use a bit of help/advice/encouragement-img_0159.jpg   could use a bit of help/advice/encouragement-img_0160.jpg  

  2. #2
    sprinter911's Avatar
    sprinter911 is offline Associate Member
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    I think you should post your diet in the diet section. If you're cleared to start training again then you should ease back into it so you don't bust another hernia.

    Did you really bench 285?


  3. #3
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by sprinter911 View Post
    I think you should post your diet in the diet section. If you're cleared to start training again then you should ease back into it so you don't bust another hernia.

    Did you really bench 285?

    i think we need to see diet first. .as for the clen or T3.. i recomend staying away from T3, it is a thyroid hormone, and misuse will result in needing it for the rest of your life. So leave that to the pro's The clen can be taken, it is a thermogenic. read about it in the steroids profile forrum. Assuming your diet is in check you can take the clen with minimal side effects

  4. #4
    trentj20 is offline New Member
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    Yea I put up 285, theres not much to do in the desert besides lifting. Everyone out there was getting big. I'll be starting nutrisystem soon to cut calories I work from 4pm to 7 am so it throws off my diet a bit. I know only get a few hours of sleep can't be helping my metabolism. thanks fellas keep it comin.

  5. #5
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    sleep is definitley important. calculate your BMR and your TDEE and ask for assistance in a proper diet in the diet section. you can find the calculators by googling them.. once we know that we can suggest a diet and with proper exercise you will be on the right track. Please be sure to post your goals, and if you have the time your workout program.. You definitley want to get a good foundation before you consider any AAS.

  6. #6
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    here is the formula if you can't find it

    Once you know your BMR (basal metabolic rate) then use your daily activity factor to get your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE):
    -Sedentary................BMR x 1.2 (little exercise)
    -Lightly active...........BMR x 1.375 (light exercise)
    -Moderately active.....BMR x 1.55 (moderate exercise)
    -Very active.............BMR x 1.725 (hard exercise)
    -Extremely active......BMR x 1.9 (hard exercise daily)

  7. #7
    trentj20 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the conversions I'm not sure i they are right but they arent too good I dont think.
    2038.8 is my bmr
    my tdee is 2803.35 to 3160.14
    not so hot right?

  8. #8
    trentj20 is offline New Member
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    i should have been more clear i know your conversions are right i didn't know if i did them right but i double checked my bad thanks bro

  9. #9
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Welcome to the board. I think you're pretty accurate with your estimate of your own bodyfat, i'd say mid-20's.

    I wouldn't run clen or anything else right now. Instead, I suggest you get over to the diet section, post up your current diet and let's have a look at it. If you're diet isn't in check, clen won't do anything for you.

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