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  1. #1
    FIREnICE is offline New Member
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    Progress pics. Opinions?

    These are progress pics of about two years.
    the first picture was me at 135 pounds 5'6 in late 2008
    the second picture is me at 185 pounds 5'6 about mid october 2010.
    my gains are 90% natural I did recently run a short cycle of deca and test prop that I cut short after about 5 weeks. I did not get much from this cycle and was basically a waste. I would say that my body fat right now is about 15-17% what is your opinion? Also, which body parts do you think I could use more work on. Overall, I'd just like everyones opinion on my progress. thanks a lot anything is appreciated.


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Progress pics. Opinions?-2008.jpg   Progress pics. Opinions?-2010.jpeg  

  2. #2
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    Looks like you put on some decent size. Take a pic in the same pose as the before pic so we can really tell the differences.

  3. #3
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your close to 20% bf, hard to tell because you are holding so much water and you are covering your belly with your arm. Depends on ht/wt/age/lifting experience on wether this is impressive or not. With the cycle you can't say 90% natural, unless you post pics of immediately before and immediately after. I think if you were to drop to the same bf as the first pic and lost the water you might only have about 20lbs of lbm gained in that time, again depends on the stats, but that isn't impressive, especially on gear. I'm mostly saying this because you look really young and if you were to eat and lift right you should have been able to add that or more naturally without increasing the bf.

    You look like you are in a good place now to make some progress though. I would suggest you go to the diet section and find a thread entitled "AR remote trainer/members physique transformation challange", post that you want to enter and get a trainer assigned to you for the twelve week contest.

    Post up your diet and workout routines here along with the stats I requested and we'll see if we can't help you through the next phase of your journey.

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Definitely put on some good overall size, no doubt about it. My guess is you put on a decent amount of bodyfat though... hard to tell since you're covering your midsection - is this on purpose? =)

    You are holding a sh!t ton of water, but easy enough to deal with. I'd suggest at this point you cut bodyfat - you'd like SICK at 10%!

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Try cutting for a good while, since your BF is around 20%.

  6. #6
    FIREnICE is offline New Member
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    I am holding an insane amount of water and that is from my cycle. I can not figure out how to get it off either. I have done plenty of cardio, used a strict diet, and even tried using the sauna for a while to try and take some of that water out of there but it's just not budging. Any suggestions? Anyways, yeah I put on a lot of body fat i'm not going to argue that. The reason why i havent put on huge amount of muscle is because I am a wrestler and I was forced to cut 25-30 pounds every winter, so all the muscle I had put on in the summer quickly went away each wrestling season. Now that I am no longer wrestling in college anymore I am making lifting and growing my main priority.

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    It's not coming off cause it's not water. Still good results though.

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