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  1. #1
    mxer657 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Need to get down to 4-5% BF. Help?

    Hey guys,

    I'm new here. Here are some recent pictures. I just finished running VPX Meltdown but would like to drop down to 4-5% BF before doing a clean bulk.

    Any recommendations on supplements or diet? Kind of interested in ECA stack and Tren but I heard don't run tren for the first time.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Need to get down to 4-5% BF. Help?-oops.jpg  
    Last edited by mxer657; 09-11-2011 at 06:26 PM.

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Head over to the diet section bro. You don't need gear to get into single digit bodyfat, just sound knowledge.

    PS - why do you need to drop to 4-5% body fat? You do realize that's competition level body fat and those guys only hold that for a very short length of time? Why not shoot for something more realistic, 8-10%? (please don't tell me you're there now, because you're not)

  3. #3
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    I think you could start to clean bulk now. Going that low would be counter productive for your long term goals.
    Head over and get your diet sorted. You're a few years off before starting a cycle.

  4. #4
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    I would say your around 13%
    DO NOT use AAS, your not ready plus you look a bit young.

  5. #5
    im83931's Avatar
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    Hey man, If I were you I would keep at it and learn more about how to eat. I am not saying you don't know anything about nutrition, since you have obviously been doing something right. But I have around 20 years of training under my belt now and am still learning something new constantly. You have a great base and at 20 you'll be able to pack it on if you eat enough. Keep at for another few years until you are 25. No one here is going to give you advice on cycling when you are 20. You may be done growing in height but your endo system is still developing. If you cycle now you can stop that development and then you will be a 40 yr old guy one day with low test.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    You may be done growing in height but your endo system is still developing. If you cycle now you can stop that development and then you will be a 40 yr old guy one day with low test.
    x2. Low test and a limp d!ck.

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxer657 View Post
    Hey guys,

    I'm new here. Here are some recent pictures. I just finished running VPX Meltdown but would like to drop down to 4-5% BF before doing a clean bulk.

    Any recommendations on supplements or diet? Kind of interested in ECA stack and Tren but I heard don't run tren for the first time.

    Attachment 116836Attachment 116835
    you look about 16

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    you look about 16
    Dont be so quick to judge. He may be 17 1/2. LOL I'm trying to decide if it's photo shop or not, strange only upper abs and extremely high, looks weird.

    Also as said, 4% is to low to try to maintain. 8+ is better and realistic.

  9. #9
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Cmon guys dont be so hard on the lad, we all started out somewhere. we were all young once.

  10. #10
    mxer657 is offline Junior Member
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    You guys are right. After looking at photos, I'd be happy with 8-10%. I just want abs without flexing

  11. #11
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    It's all to do with the diet man, post up your current , let the guys or me sort it out, and your wish of abs will come true.

  12. #12
    mxer657 is offline Junior Member
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    Meal 1: 5-6 eggs, 1/2 cup of oatmeal
    Meal 2: Protein shake with water (1 scoop)
    Meal 3: 2 chicken breasts, ham sandwich with 2 slices of cheese, strawberry yogurt
    Meal 4: regular size can of tuna + toasted bread
    Meal 5: 8-10 oz's of lean meat, rice, and a hefty serving of a vegetable
    Meal 6: shake with water 1 scoop of protein and one cup of oatmeal (Post-workout)
    Meal 7: protein shake with one scoop of casein before bed

    That is what a typical day looks like for me. Would love to get some input. Are frosted mini-wheats a good source of carbs?

    Miniminwheats nutrition:
    190 calories
    1g fat
    45g carbs
    11g sugar
    5g protein

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    Cmon guys dont be so hard on the lad, we all started out somewhere. we were all young once.
    doesnt mean we condone aas to youngsters

    a. he looks 16
    b. looks about 10st weight

  14. #14
    mxer657 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not taking aas. I don't want to take any type of steroids . And I am 20. I apologize for not having wrinkles and lookin like I'm 30.

    Chill out.

  15. #15
    Bulkn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxer657 View Post
    Meal 1: 5-6 eggs, 1/2 cup of oatmeal Are they whole eggs? have 2 whole eggs max, the rest whites
    Meal 2: Protein shake with water (1 scoop)
    Meal 3: 2 chicken breasts, ham sandwich with 2 slices of cheese, strawberry yogurt I dont know what type of ham or cheese but it probably has too much fat. I think greek yohgurt? is the best type to eat or find one thats low in sugar and fat.
    Meal 4: regular size can of tuna + toasted bread wholemeal/whole wheat bread?
    Meal 5: 8-10 oz's of lean meat, rice, and a hefty serving of a vegetable what type of rice?
    Meal 6: shake with water 1 scoop of protein and one cup of oatmeal (Post-workout)
    Meal 7: protein shake with one scoop of casein before bed

    That is what a typical day looks like for me. Would love to get some input. Are frosted mini-wheats a good source of carbs?

    Miniminwheats nutrition: Not sure what these are
    190 calories
    1g fat
    45g carbs
    11g sugar
    5g protein
    Are you drinking any milk with oats/ shakes? If so use Low fat milk or if your using water you may want to look into getting some calcium supplements.

  16. #16
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxer657 View Post
    I'm not taking aas. I don't want to take any type of steroids. And I am 20. I apologize for not having wrinkles and lookin like I'm 30.

    Chill out.
    Well you did say up above that you were thinking of running tren

  17. #17
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    Are you drinking any milk with oats/ shakes? If so use Low fat milk or if your using water you may want to look into getting some calcium supplements.
    You dont need milk to get calcium. You can get plenty of calcium through vegtables etc. Milk is an inflamatory and is a terrible idea when you are cutting

  18. #18
    Bulkn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    You dont need milk to get calcium. You can get plenty of calcium through vegtables etc. Milk is an inflamatory and is a terrible idea when you are cutting
    If he decides to cut out all his dairy its going to be hard to get enough calcium for the day. Yes vegetables contain calcium but you have to eat a fair amount of it!

  19. #19
    yungone501's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxer657 View Post
    I'm not taking aas. I don't want to take any type of steroids . And I am 20. I apologize for not having wrinkles and lookin like I'm 30.

    Chill out.
    Lmao, wow Dec u need to up ur game on the youngsters.

  20. #20
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxer657 View Post
    I'm not taking aas. I don't want to take any type of steroids . And I am 20. I apologize for not having wrinkles and lookin like I'm 30.

    Chill out.
    Now you sound like you are 16 or younger if you think people who are 30 have wrinkles and you talk like that old. LOL Yeah I though 30 was old when I was 14-16. Hmmm I didnt have wrinkles at 40 and I'm hoping not to have any/many at 50. Soon enough you will blink at 10 years will have passed and some kid at McDonalds will call you Sir. Then you know you are getting old/older. LOL

  21. #21
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11
    doesnt mean we condone aas to youngsters

    a. he looks 16
    b. looks about 10st weight
    Yeah, I didnt take that into consideration.

    I think he would be fine with an ECA stack and some sound nutrition advice.

    I say ECA stack because that's what he is asking about.

  22. #22
    mxer657 is offline Junior Member
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    Well thank you for the advice. I've cut milk out of the diet. I read in a lot of places that it can be counter productive when cutting. I do eat a lot of vegetables but I should probably find other sources of calcium to make up for it.

    ECA stack is going great so far. Haven't seen stones in a while, but you are right. I weighed 141 in the picture. Currently sitting at 137 and am really happy with how things are going. I'll probably drop to 134 and then start doing a clean bulk. Fingers crossed, I haven't lost any noticeable muscle or strength. Should only take another 7-10 days and I'll be good.

  23. #23
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    good for you, keep us posted on the progress, you might want to post up your proposed lean bulk diet for critique

  24. #24
    mxer657 is offline Junior Member
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    Definitely will do. You guys seem to critique diets pretty well. I'll do some research on other people's diets and put one together that fits me. Then you guys can critique me and tell me I have it ass backwards lol. But I don't mind being critiqued when I'm wrong

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