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Thread: weight loss progress and need advice on when to start first cycle !!

  1. #1
    waldoolvera is offline New Member
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    May 2017

    weight loss progress and need advice on when to start first cycle !!

    Hi few details about myself. Im 29 im 5'10 weight hovers around 187 -190lbs. Im 5'10 and been lifting on and off for 5 years the last 2 of them steady . I have lost a total of almost 75lbs in the last 2 years and im wondering when it would be ok to start my first Test cycle. I keep dieting and dieting trying to get super lean but im just burnt to be honest. Im proud of the weight loss ive made in the past 2 years but im ready to finally put on some serious size. I started bodybuilding to bet big and this weight loss process just isnt fun anymore lol. I can tell i still have some fat but i also see that alot of it is extra skin too. Im wondering if i should diet to about 185lbs and then start a test only cycle. any thoughts?? or should i keep dieting till i get super cut and more defined? im scared to start steroids with body fat being to high.

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  2. #2
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Jul 2016
    Just stay natural and train chest a little more

  3. #3
    waldoolvera is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Thanks man suprisingly i hit chest 2 times a week mondays and fridays.. But being on a calorie deficit i know im not gonna do much growing at this point..

  4. #4
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Jul 2016
    I was in the same boat as you trust me I know no matter what we look like we're always going to see ourselves as chubby my mistake I made was the first three years I did this I was going to calorie deficient

    Don't be in a deficit eat a little above your total daily expenditure but keep the calories clean

    In my mind what happens is this I look at eating above my maintenance as something I don't want to do and when I do eat clean above my maintenance, I say oh well fuck it I can eat a little junk food I just ate 500 to 600 more calories than I really wanted to might as well make it work

    But I put up these big green poster boards in my room and they are reminder to me when I wake up in the middle of the night looking to binge to just go back to sleep

    For where it's worth you have really nice arms nice overall development and shape I really think you have the genetics to do what you need to do naturally
    waldoolvera likes this.

  5. #5
    waldoolvera is offline New Member
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    May 2017
    Ive also considered that. Taking a diet break and eat at maintenance or slightly above maintenance for a while and see what happens. Thanks for the compliments sir. I do too believe i have genetics for bodybuilding. I Know its not all about genetics but hard work and consitency too. Thanks for your experience and advice =) !!

  6. #6
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    All sports will tell you lose the weight first. If you are burnt get super serious for three months and nail it. You can lose 20 lbs more over three months and you will be ready for steroids at the best level.

    I.m doing it backwards. Recomp over and over. I am now at the point recomp does not do what it once did. Got to lose the fat sooner or later.

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