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  1. #1
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    A few pictures of me

    hey ya'll, here's a couple of pictures of me dating back to december 2002

    i'm 19 years old, ~6'1" ~175 lbs...biceps are currently around 15 1/2 inches, i don't really know my bodyfat percent, i would guesstimate it around 10% though...

    i don't eat according to any strict diet, just avoid fried/processed foods, i have been taking protein for about 3 months, just started glutamine/creatine 2 days ago

    my "training" isn't really anything extraordinary...i work out in my garage and currently do bench press (3 sets 215x8), move to lat pull downs (3 sets 150x10) then move to my room and do 3 X superset of 30 pushups, 50 crunches, 10 curls (30 lb dumbbell)

    i'm not looking for any particular compliments or criticism, just putting em up here so you guys know a body behind the words

    anyway, on with the pics

    the first one is from December 16, 2002
    the second one is from April 22, 2003
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails A few pictures of me-4-22-1-.jpg   A few pictures of me-12-16-1-.jpg  
    Last edited by Bound for Muscle; 07-27-2003 at 04:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    these 4 are all from May 6, 2003
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails A few pictures of me-5-06-2-.jpg   A few pictures of me-5-06-3-.jpg   A few pictures of me-5-06-4-.jpg   A few pictures of me-5-06.jpg  

  3. #3
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    these 5 were all taken July 26, 2003
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails A few pictures of me-7-26-1-.jpg   A few pictures of me-7-26-5-.jpg   A few pictures of me-7-26-3-.jpg   A few pictures of me-7-26-2-.jpg   A few pictures of me-7-26.jpg  

  4. #4
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    dude keep up the good work man i forsee massive bicepts in your future dude keep pounding those weights everthings looking just great dude.

  5. #5
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbarian
    dude keep up the good work man i forsee massive bicepts in your future dude keep pounding those weights everthings looking just great dude.
    hehe, thanks for the inspiration man

    anyone else have anything to say?

  6. #6
    gwendels is offline Junior Member
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    With time hard work a lot of food and some drugs you will look like a god. Keep up the good work. A lot comes up in life try not to let things get in the way.

  7. #7
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwendels
    With time hard work a lot of food and some drugs you will look like a god. Keep up the good work. A lot comes up in life try not to let things get in the way.

    Being 19 you not need any drugs, work on a good training platform and a good high protien Diet and you will continue to gain at your age with out anabolics.

  8. #8
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    lookin good man, id say it ur back hard with heavy deadlifts, and hit the traps with barbell shrugs.

  9. #9
    ittybittymass's Avatar
    ittybittymass is offline New Member
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    biceps look great but u definitely could use some back work. a gym membership helps a lot with back and leg workouts

  10. #10
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ittybittymass
    biceps look great but u definitely could use some back work. a gym membership helps a lot with back and leg workouts
    i agree, funny thing is my mother actually has a gym membership at the metroflex (same gym ronnie coleman used to do some lifting at) and i had been going there for a few months back in january and got kinda lazy for a month...stopped going and started working out in the garage

    guess it's time to stop being such a recluse and hit some deadlifts and squats (never done a deadlift in my life)

  11. #11
    gwendels is offline Junior Member
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    I recant. Stay away from the drugs. Your far too young.

  12. #12
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    a building
    u got same type of build as i do, do u have trouble putting on weight??

  13. #13
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
    u got same type of build as i do, do u have trouble putting on weight??
    well, i wouldn't really call it 'trouble' because i have not aggressively tried to put on weight...through high school i weighed ~170-175, got mono and dropped to 160 for my senior year...i've gradually put weight back on (mostly muscle) for the past year and a half since then

    i'd say i've got a pretty average body type, with my strength being my arms and upper back, and my weaknesses being my narrow shoulders, undeveloped calves, and chest size (not strength)

    in my entire life i've never been heavier than body seems to like that weight...we'll see in the coming months whether or not i'm able to put on some more clean mass

  14. #14
    Devourer's Avatar
    Devourer is offline Senior Member
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    i second the deadlift comment.just make sure someone who knows what they are talking about shows you how to do them. great start.AD

  15. #15
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
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    okay, well i tried deadlifts today by myself in the's a little cramped in there

    from what i read you're supposed to grip the bar with each hand either way at a little wider than shoulders width (which puts my arms on the outside of my legs, and my feet pretty close together), try to keep your back straight and use your legs for the majority of the lift?

    i found it nearly impossible to keep my back straight because when i would go to lift up the bar would hit my knees...i did a set of 8 with 185 (maybe i tried to start with too much weight)...while it wasn't painful, i could feel pressure in my lower back and didn't want to risk injury so i stopped there

    after a quick search i found these 2 videos

    and saw that they have their backs nearly perpendicular to their i to assume this is the correct form?

  16. #16
    maximusdad's Avatar
    maximusdad is offline New Member
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    Well, First off the videos show squats not deads. If you are asking about squats a good tip I found is to look up at about a 45 degree angle while performing them to help keep your back straight. If it's deads we're talking about, you want to start with the weight at your waist and keep your legs as straight as possible and lower the weight past your knees to the point where you feel a slight stretch in your hams and then lift back to the starting point. Another tip is to try and keep the bar as close to your legs as possible when descending and ascending, in other words don't let the bar swing out away from your body. Hope this helps, and keep up the good're young and are in the prime point in your life to get into BB, so don't get into bad habits now...if you can develope good form you'll be a monster...good luck
    Quote Originally Posted by Bound for Muscle
    okay, well i tried deadlifts today by myself in the's a little cramped in there

    from what i read you're supposed to grip the bar with each hand either way at a little wider than shoulders width (which puts my arms on the outside of my legs, and my feet pretty close together), try to keep your back straight and use your legs for the majority of the lift?

    i found it nearly impossible to keep my back straight because when i would go to lift up the bar would hit my knees...i did a set of 8 with 185 (maybe i tried to start with too much weight)...while it wasn't painful, i could feel pressure in my lower back and didn't want to risk injury so i stopped there

    after a quick search i found these 2 videos

    and saw that they have their backs nearly perpendicular to their i to assume this is the correct form?

  17. #17
    bulldawg_28's Avatar
    bulldawg_28 is offline Senior Member
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    u also might want to try some barbell rowes too for ur back.

  18. #18
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by maximusdad
    Well, First off the videos show squats not deads. If you are asking about squats a good tip I found is to look up at about a 45 degree angle while performing them to help keep your back straight. If it's deads we're talking about, you want to start with the weight at your waist and keep your legs as straight as possible and lower the weight past your knees to the point where you feel a slight stretch in your hams and then lift back to the starting point. Another tip is to try and keep the bar as close to your legs as possible when descending and ascending, in other words don't let the bar swing out away from your body. Hope this helps, and keep up the good're young and are in the prime point in your life to get into BB, so don't get into bad habits now...if you can develope good form you'll be a monster...good luck the deadlift doesn't actually start when you pick the weight up off the ground?

    so i hold the weight at my waist and slowly lower it while keeping my legs the pivot point is at my hips, putting most of the stress on my lower back area?

    how low do i go? do i bend all the way forward forming a right angle? bring the weight all the way to the ground?

    and i thought almost for sure that those were videos of a deadlift...


    oops, linked the wrong vids, here are the ones i was talking about

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