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  1. #1
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    Is There Any Hope For Me?

    i was wondering if you guys could give me some constructive criticism....i am not near in the shape that i want to be in...however i am a baseball player, and this is my senior season, so this summer is when i will start my bodybuilding career ...but seriously, dont flame too bad...i know i need work....mainly i think i need to bring down my waist....any ideas?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Is There Any Hope For Me?-backdoublebi.jpg   Is There Any Hope For Me?-bi.jpg   Is There Any Hope For Me?-most-muscular.jpg  
    Last edited by big swoll; 02-24-2005 at 08:58 PM.

  2. #2
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    sorry, i forgot to post the stats

    215 lbs (i dont look it, but i really am)
    22 yrs old

    this past week for baseball we had to do single rep max on bench, power clean, and squat......on bench--340lbs......power clean--270lbs.....squat im fairly strong i guess....i can gain strenght, but have trouble growing

    i have cycled before, but mainly just smaller cycles....i plan to hit it a little bit harder this summer

    ** i dont know how to pose either, so dont give me too much hell for that
    Last edited by big swoll; 12-05-2003 at 12:39 AM.

  3. #3
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    big swoll,

    You look good in the pics, bro--You're building a good base. If you decide to cycle, you're going to explode!

    It's a good thing you took before pics already.

    Your back and shoulders are coming along well. So are your quads. Your bi's seem to be in proportion (don't forget to work your forearms). I'm guessing that you can work on your calves a bit more. I know I can barely see the tops of your calves in the pictures, but I always assume calves are lagging behind when people don't take full pics of their legs (I do the same thing).

    Make sure you watch your weight. You might put on a BIT of fat while bulking, but don't let it get out of control. In your single bicep pic, it looks like you have a 6-pack that's fighting to show through. Take care of your bulking first. Worry about cutting and 6-packs later.

    Don't forget to work your lower back AND your abs, else you might start having lower back pain.

    Keep growing!

  4. #4
    TheGame826's Avatar
    TheGame826 is offline Member
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    you look very impressive, back is nice and wide.

    aha i thought it was funny that you blacked the side of your face out in the double back bi flex, yet your face is still visible in the mirror

  5. #5
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    You look good. If you want to get huge you've got to cycle huge. Otherwise, a 12 week cycle will work fine. Just make sure you get high enough doses to see maximum growth and don't forget to eat lots of protien.

  6. #6
    big swoll's Avatar
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    thanks for all of the kind words so far guys...i really appreciate it...right now i do not plan to compete for probably about 2 years...and then it will just be at the amateaur level

    Bask8kase.....thanks....i am really trying to build a good base to get big and hit the nail on the head with everything you have calves definately need work...i have tried many different routines for them but i really cant get them to explode...i work them the same day i work chest....this past year i have worked REALLY hard on my back....i feel good about the progress that it is making right now...i do work my lower back as well....i also work my abs extremely hard...i do alot of weighted situps...most all of my ab work is weighted....i do feel that i have a six pack waiting to come out...however, i really am not worried about it right now....i just want to explode...i also work my obliques hard so that when i do get to a low bf they will arms need lots of work...i have also worked really hard on my tri's this last bi's aren't big, but i feel like they are proportional so im not particularily worried about them...and i do need to work my forearms harder....thanks for the constructive criticism getting wider every day lol

    markas...right now i am taking some time off..i plan on running a good sized cycle this summer...either 12 or 16 not quite sure yet....and i also want to do alot more research on that i can figure out a great bulking diet for now

    thanks again everybody

  7. #7
    big swoll's Avatar
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    im giving myself a bump......common guys almost 800 views and only 3 comments/criticisms

  8. #8
    diesel21's Avatar
    diesel21 is offline Member
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    ... you have a really good base/proportion... just get a good diet going, eat everything, get a good stack, and you will grow like a mofo!

  9. #9
    BullDogg20's Avatar
    BullDogg20 is offline Member
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    you look good man, Keep up the hard work and remember if you want to explode with size you gotta eat like a mad man. 6 meals a day fet at least 1 gram of protein per pound of weight and 2 grams of crabs per lb of weight and .5 gram of essesntial fats per lean muscle weight. eat 5-6 meals a day and hit the gym like a MOFO. If you decide to cycle, plan it out good, you dont necesarily need huge cycles to get big, you just need well planned cycles to help you get bigger quicker.

    anyways good luck man and keep up the hard work.

  10. #10
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    thanks for all of the encouraging words guys....i have worked really hard and i will continue to

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