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  1. #1
    GearAholic's Avatar
    GearAholic is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Dec 2003

    Mid Cycle Progress

    Hey bros i am in my 5th week sust eq and d-bol cycle d-bol ended last week but still have 5 more to go with my eq and sust i am pretty stoked heres some pics flame all u want i know i am still chubbed but its cool i am workin on it, the pic b4 is like 2 monthes b4 i dieted down to 180 and got on my cycle. the b4 pic i weighed 195 and the mid cycle i weigh in at 196 and still have 5 more weeks, any suggestions please or flames or tips it will just push me harder my diet is very strict my training is very intense i am taking this very seriously
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mid Cycle Progress-week-1-front.jpg   Mid Cycle Progress-image206.jpg  
    Last edited by GearAholic; 01-22-2004 at 05:59 PM.

  2. #2
    monster.'s Avatar
    monster. is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2001
    Well it looks like you up and grew some delts and a set of traps i wanna say you lost some bf% cause your torso is developed a bit, chest looks developed more also.. Keep up the good work.. Keep that diet clean and you'll see some more progress..

    Has the sust. kicked in yet, it should be starting very soon, and you will love it..

    keep us posted...keep you the good work bro

  3. #3
    50%Natural's Avatar
    50%Natural is offline Respected Member
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    Yeah ga, looking better. Don't expect too much too soon. You have developed your upper body nicely. You are on a good pace. Like monster said, keep the diet clean, get a little cardio in and you'll see those abs. Keep the hard work up. Also, work on those forearms and pull up your shorts next time.

  4. #4
    GearAholic's Avatar
    GearAholic is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Dec 2003
    haha yeah i could pull up those shorts some right lol, thx monster and 50 i appriciate the critiques it keeps me going and yeah the diet will stay clean bros any ideas on bf% out of curiousity ???

  5. #5
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GearAholic
    haha yeah i could pull up those shorts some right lol, thx monster and 50 i appriciate the critiques it keeps me going and yeah the diet will stay clean bros any ideas on bf% out of curiousity ???
    WHen trying to loose some fat but still want to gain the muscle, then best strategy is more reps, more sets, lower down the weights to accomplish this. The more reps and sets, the more you add something of an aerobic element to lifting weights, burn more calaries while still getting the benefits of lifting weights. For you I'd think 15 reps and 5 sets for each or most muscle groups would get you optimal fat loss/muscle gain results. Be sure to adjust your weight so you can do the 5 sets somewhat comfortably but your muscles should be near or at exhaustioon on the final few reps of the last 2 sets, but dont do it to the point you are carrying excessive soreness for more then just the next day.

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