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  1. #1
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Not a serious attempt

    I've made no serious attempt at training. I thought I'd take some pics regardless though. It'll serve as an introduction, while at the same time letting me remember where I started out. That's if I can ever get past the lifting in my bedroom phase.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Not a serious attempt-dscf0003.jpg   Not a serious attempt-dscf0004.jpg   Not a serious attempt-dscf0005.jpg  

  2. #2
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    first off welcome to the AR. second, i give you mad props for having the courage to post your pics when you admit never really working out. trust me on this, if you stick around and put serious effort into your diet, training, etc. you will see dramatic results in no time at all. hope you stick around...peace

  3. #3
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. I don't really see it as courage. Then, I've never really been uncomfortable with my body.

  4. #4
    hoss827's Avatar
    hoss827 is offline Banned
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    Dang, you've got some mad peak in your biceps too. I can tell when you start lifting hard and dieting hardcore you'll be a monster bro,

    Good luck,


  5. #5
    CarbonCopy's Avatar
    CarbonCopy is offline Member
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    What's up with the axe bro? You could chop down some trees for a good cardio workout! J/K Welcome to AR!



  6. #6
    DF2003's Avatar
    DF2003 is offline Banned Boofus
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    yea welcome but your scaring me with the axe reminds me of lemy.

  7. #7
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Welcome to put the axe down and pick up some wieghts.

  8. #8
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    under some plywood sheets
    at least you got bi peaks so heres my props for you for posting "before" pics

  9. #9
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. I weigh about 180lbs but most of it is fat which I can attribute to the amount of pizza and beer I've consumed over the last 6 months. I'm a good 15lbs heavier than I was a year ago and I haven't been working out properly. I'm looking for a job that will allow me more freedom so I can join a gym. Once I've joined a gym the main problem I face is having no-one to spot me. I don't know anyone that is serious about lifting, so I won't have a training partner. If I could sort out the job, and get a training partner, then the diet and routine I could sort out myself with help from these forums.

  10. #10
    platinum's Avatar
    platinum is offline Associate Member
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    Good intro bro. I don't have a workout partner either, but when I need someone to spot me I just ask someone at the gym. Most people are willing to help out and if you ask someone who looks like they know what they're doing, you'll usually be ok

  11. #11
    tatty's Avatar
    tatty is offline Member
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    I give you credit for posting your pics as well as wanting to change your lifestyle through fitness. Your best bet, would be to head down to your local gym and befriending some of the regulars you see there. Also, you might find people like yourself who are just starting out and need some encouragement from others. Problem solved.

    Whatever the case, I hope you sort out your employment and the rest, and get ready to be HUGE. Good luck!

  12. #12
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks a lot. It must be something about bodybuilders, but there are so many great, positive people around here and on similar forums.

  13. #13
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    evian is naive spelled backwards. Best of luck with the training though, the biggest part is your diet. high protien, lots of calories.

  14. #14
    Billon's Avatar
    Billon is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe not the biggest...but surely the meanest!

  15. #15
    allsaucedup's Avatar
    allsaucedup is offline Member
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    good luck in your transformation. I will be a long hard road but once you get in the swing of things it will be something that you treat like a job. i started training hardcore about 2 1/2 years ago and the changes in my body and attitude are completly different now. and dont worry about training partners you will make many friends in the gym once people see that your are there everyday busting your a$$. I would also incourage you to get everything you can get out of your body natually before you attempt to enhace it by juicing. you look like you have a good base in your arms and your traps could be huge. good luck and feel free to ask questions here on the board there are a lot of guys on ar that know what they are talking about

  16. #16
    lifesabitch is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome to AR bro! You look like to got potential physically.

  17. #17
    monster.'s Avatar
    monster. is offline Anabolic Member
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    ((two thumbs up)) for tuff guy look, and the axe!!!!!!!!!!


    We all started somewhere.. Your pics speak for themself.. Set some goals, and get serious..

  18. #18
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah, I can take control more once I sort my job out. For now I'm going to experiment with some cardio. I've already tried weighted crunches for the first time. I've never actually felt my abs ache like that the day after exercise before. I guess that's a sign that I made them work hard.

  19. #19
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Also, for anyone just starting out, I think it's a good idea to take a pic of yourself. Then when you've been working hard for a good period of time, you can look back on where you used to be and feel like you've achieved something.

  20. #20
    monkeyjuice's Avatar
    monkeyjuice is offline Member
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    i used to be skinner than you, i was really skin and bones. Partyin all the time and doing drugs. I look back at my old pics now and laugh, and ask myself, how was i ever that skinny?

    First off, you don't need a training partner, all you need to be is dedicated.

    Good luck, hope to see a pic of you in 6 months.

  21. #21
    PJK015 is offline Associate Member
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    your on the right track with all that water

  22. #22
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyjuice
    i used to be skinner than you, i was really skin and bones. Partyin all the time and doing drugs. I look back at my old pics now and laugh, and ask myself, how was i ever that skinny?

    First off, you don't need a training partner, all you need to be is dedicated.

    Good luck, hope to see a pic of you in 6 months.
    Thanks. With the way things are going, I won't look that much different in six months. The interesting thing will be to see how I change over six months once I have started training properly. I'm not sure how I'm going to approach it once I actually find myself in the gym. There really is a lot I don't know about exercises and how to do them properly. I suppose I'll piece it all together the more I read.

  23. #23
    RP7's Avatar
    RP7 is offline Member
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    HHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA look at the expression on his face when he holds the axe

  24. #24
    RageControl's Avatar
    RageControl is offline Senior Member
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    LoL love the axe pic why you keep an axe in your room is a little nerve racking . Anyhow awesome base to start on you will be huge in no time. You might be suprised how many people on these boards got huge with no training partners.

  25. #25
    dumblucky's Avatar
    dumblucky is offline Member
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    hey at least the guy isnt holding an UZI

  26. #26
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Just bumping to see if anyone can give an opinion on what they think my bodyfat % is.


  27. #27
    palequail's Avatar
    palequail is offline Banned
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    The OC aka Tits and Ass!!
    maybe 13 or gotta get rid of the axe...thats scary

  28. #28
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome.. Bro what is up with the axe.. lol scary dude

  29. #29
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by palequail
    maybe 13 or gotta get rid of the axe...thats scary
    Well, I couldn't scare them with muscle, so...

  30. #30
    Doc M's Avatar
    Doc M is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skin-and-Bone
    Well, I couldn't scare them with muscle, so...
    Well, I'm still trying to figure out the rusty axe..

    Reminds me of a former memeber DickRenegade..He always had some **** chainsaw or tool of death in his hand in every picture he posted..Frightening!!!

    Anyway, everyone has to start somewhere and you are at the best place in the world for information and advice..Stick around here and you will learn a ton of information..I admire the fact that you posted your pics and realize you have a lot of work ahead of you..But it can be done and you have made the first step!! Good Luck!!

    Doc M

    And welcome to AR!!

  31. #31
    Latimus's Avatar
    Latimus is offline Banned
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    go get a membership right now!!haha i remember in grade nine when i trained in my room...but seriously...go get one...noooooow

  32. #32
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    I can't at the moment. I finish work at 12 am, 1am, or 2am every day I work. All of the gyms are closed at those times. That's what I meant about having to sort out work before I could start training properly. I used to be a member of a gym, but I quit when I realised upon changing jobs that I would never be able to go after work. The other problem is that I'm always working different days of the week, so it's impossible for me to get a proper routine unless I work out on my two days off. That doesn't work because I'm young, and I tend to cut loose and find myself hungover on my days off. Once I can get the job situation sorted, or at least improve it, then I can get a proper routine that I can stick by.

  33. #33
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Oh, and the axe isn't rusty, it's just not stainless steel.

  34. #34
    Skin-and-Bone is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the comments. I've taken in a huge amount of information over the last couple of months. I can't believe how much forums like this one have taught me about something that I don't even do myself yet! Anyway, a plan is beginning to form in my mind, and I've decided to put it together piece by piece. I'm going to start by finding a suitable gym to join, while in the meantime looking for a job that will allow me more freedom to stick to a proper routine and diet. While I'm looking for a new job, I'll try to get into a basic training routine that includes proper rest, with a not so good (but looking to improve) diet.

    My goal for this year is to:

    1. Start (and continue) a good training routine. (probably 3 day split)

    2. Get a job, or a shift pattern that allows me to fit my gym sessions around my working hours, and allows me time to eat every couple of hours. Once I have this I can plan a proper diet and slip into a good routine.

    3. Once I've achieved 1. and 2. I can then be happy that I'm "on the way", and with the help of all the forums I read I can build on my knowledge and look to refine my techniques, as I continue to grow.

    Long Term:

    I want to have size that turns heads, but be ripped at the same time. I'm hoping I can do that in five years or so. I'm also hoping I won't have to use steroids to do it, although I know that if I do eventually take the plunge, I'll be ready.

    I haven't decided how important the condition of my body will be to me in life yet. I'll probably find out over the next few years.

  35. #35
    RP7's Avatar
    RP7 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skin-and-Bone
    Thanks for all the comments. I've taken in a huge amount of information over the last couple of months. I can't believe how much forums like this one have taught me about something that I don't even do myself yet! Anyway, a plan is beginning to form in my mind, and I've decided to put it together piece by piece. I'm going to start by finding a suitable gym to join, while in the meantime looking for a job that will allow me more freedom to stick to a proper routine and diet. While I'm looking for a new job, I'll try to get into a basic training routine that includes proper rest, with a not so good (but looking to improve) diet.

    My goal for this year is to:

    1. Start (and continue) a good training routine. (probably 3 day split)

    2. Get a job, or a shift pattern that allows me to fit my gym sessions around my working hours, and allows me time to eat every couple of hours. Once I have this I can plan a proper diet and slip into a good routine.

    3. Once I've achieved 1. and 2. I can then be happy that I'm "on the way", and with the help of all the forums I read I can build on my knowledge and look to refine my techniques, as I continue to grow.

    Long Term:

    I want to have size that turns heads, but be ripped at the same time. I'm hoping I can do that in five years or so. I'm also hoping I won't have to use steroids to do it, although I know that if I do eventually take the plunge, I'll be ready.

    I haven't decided how important the condition of my body will be to me in life yet. I'll probably find out over the next few years.
    Well said bro. Props to you for the desire to change. We all start at one point. Once you get into the training you will beign to appreciate what its done (and goin to do for you).

    When you get your diet and training in order you will see how much bodybuilding can change your whole outlook on life. I wish you the BEST of luck and look forward to seeing your progress.... stay the course...

  36. #36
    amotanis's Avatar
    amotanis is offline Junior Member
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    whats up bro, your looking demented with that axe yo.
    i'm pretty much with you as starting out, sorta. i've lifted for awile but never stuck with it or did much with it, diet was never there.

    GoodLuck to you !

  37. #37
    jon rock's Avatar
    jon rock is offline Associate Member
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    Man, thats the funniest thing ive ever axe and a bottle of JD on the

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