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  1. #1
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Couple pics, need a critque.

    Well I've been back to lifting for about 2 months following a 5 month stagnant period from breaking my left leg in 5 places in a dirtbiking accident. Well I've been trying to lose my fat and add muscle and it has worked pretty well so far. I'm 6' 1" and 180lbs. I have no idea what my other measurements are because I haven't taken them in a long time.

    I've been doing 40-45 min of cardio 5 days a week and lifting 4 days a week. Getting between 1.5 and 2g's of protein per lb of body weight, and eating clean.

    Any constructive comments are welcome, but keep in mind my body (and mind) really went to $hit while I was laid up. I really wish I had some before pics, but I didn't think to take any at the time. And these were taken on a whim and the digital camera I used is a POS and they are a little blury, but I think you can get the idea. I plan on posting better ones with some back shots in a while anyway.

    Thanks everyone!

    PS Please give a guess at my bf % as I am curious what everyone thinks.

  2. #2
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    ridin dirty
    tri's are lookin nice and i see some good striations startin to come out in the shoulders......keep it up bro!! i'm about 13.5 so i'd guess 11-12?

  3. #3
    RockyX's Avatar
    RockyX is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteykauai
    hit the chest harder

  4. #4
    TheOak182's Avatar
    TheOak182 is offline Associate Member
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    just stay with it and it will all come back!!! GOOD LUCK!

  5. #5
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOak182
    just stay with it and it will all come back!!! GOOD LUCK!
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I know my chest is behind, but thats how its been my whole life. ****ty genetics I guess I've been eyeballing a twice a week chest routine in Flex (or maybe it was MD) but I haven't decided to start it yet. Do you think I could benefit from working my chest twice a week?

    That raises another concern of mine...My left leg is much skinnier then my right now. Should I start doing leg ext. and curls one leg at a time to even them out? (Yes I do squats) And since I can do much more weight with my right should I keep it at the same pace as my left? I want my body as symetrical as possible but at the same time I don't want to hinder the growth of the same body part on the opposite side of my body. The same goes for my left forearm and right forearm (broke the left ulna and radius snowboarding a couple years ago, it didn't heal properly after 3 months and the radius was rebroken and I was in a cast for another 3 months). Seems like I'm always getting hurt

    As always, any tips or tricks you guys have are appreciated!

  6. #6
    RageControl's Avatar
    RageControl is offline Senior Member
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    Whats your routine look like for your chest ? Arms are deffinatly lokkin sharp as for doin alternate excersises for evening out lagged parts im not sure. IMO you might wanna look at your form . If your left arm gives out before your right durring barbell curls make sure you dont cheat with your back to get the wieght up etc... things like that make the difference.

  7. #7
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RageControl
    Whats your routine look like for your chest ? Arms are deffinatly lokkin sharp as for doin alternate excersises for evening out lagged parts im not sure. IMO you might wanna look at your form . If your left arm gives out before your right durring barbell curls make sure you dont cheat with your back to get the wieght up etc... things like that make the difference.
    I do only chest on Monday's and the routine is this.

    Flat bench: 12-10-8-6
    Fly's: 12-10-8
    Inc DB Press: 12-10-8-6
    Peck Deck: 12-12-12

    I don't like going too heavy on Fly's or the peck deck because joints start popping and making funny noises so thats why I keep the reps higher on those. And I've tried 5 sets of 5 reps, and it honestly does nothing for my chest. It worked well on my bi's and back, but I haven't done anything as low as 5 rep sets in a long time. Maybe I'll give them a shot again.

    Any advice Rage?

  8. #8
    monkeyjuice's Avatar
    monkeyjuice is offline Member
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    My chest routine looks like this:

    Flat Bench: 8-6-5-5
    Incline Bench: 8-6-5-5
    Weighted Dips: 10-8-8-6 (45lb Weight)
    Cable Crosses Down: 12-10-10-8 (Give a nice stretch)
    Calbe Crosses Up: 12-10-10-8

    I switch it up all the time.

    Sometimes i start off with Incline and go heavy! Then i go to flat bench and go light! Then i follow the rest of my chest routine.

    Sometimes i use all dumbells, for everything. Gives nice control and stretch, really concentrate of muscle and Form!

    Sometime i throw Decline in there & Fly's. Both incline & flat bench Fly's.

  9. #9
    RageControl's Avatar
    RageControl is offline Senior Member
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    ima big fan of hevay weight and low reps on incline db's and flat barbell
    Judging from your frame i think 12 reps is too much if you wanna pack on size. Id say no more then 8. Just my .02

  10. #10
    ItalianMuscle's Avatar
    ItalianMuscle is offline Senior Member
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    Need more chest bro.. Arms look good.

  11. #11
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItalianMuscle
    Need more chest bro.. Arms look good.
    So far everybody has said chest, which confirms what I thought. I'm gunna move on to a chest prioritizing program next week.

    Any suggestions on how I could set it up and not affect my other workouts? Rage, should I do 6-8 rep sets on day one and 10-12 on day two. Would working both slow and fast twitch fibers help or would I be better off sticking to low reps on both days?

    Thanks again guys, I need the advice.

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