I haven't been on the board as long as some of our other female members, nor will I claim to be anywhere near as knowledgeable as them. The reason for starting this thread is something for our new women who have taken the first step into getting back into shape.
I have a thread in Nutrition Resource Forum titled "Getting Frustrated". That thread will be some of you periodically after this first step to make a change.
The reason for this new thread (as pointed out by SteM lol) is because that thread doesn't describe me anymore. I am no longer frustrated.
I want to hopefully give you some hope and more encouragement.

I started out this journey in August of 2012, on the forum in Sept. It was hard getting into a routine, it was hard learning just what to eat, how to eat and when to eat in order to accomplish my goals. I hit walls and plateaus, gave up for a day here and there only to come back the next day knowing my goal was definite. I am 35, have 2 small kids, 2 jobs, and no time. But I wanted it enough to make it work. I instantly wanted to start a cycle of winny and other things I thought would rush me through it.
But with a lot of great advise and direction, I decided not to take the winny or supplements and just focused on cardio, lifting (bowflex) and a clean diet. I have just a week ago introduced supplements and tightened my diet up even more. I am now further in my goal then I expected to be at this time.
The moral to all of that is please don't let the frustration blind you from your goal.... Remember that it took some time to accumulate the fat and loss of muscle. I will take some time and dedication to lose it and gain muscle back. Treat your body as Rome.... It will not be built or rebuilt over night. You are worth the focus, determination, dedication, and discipline. It pays off. Set a goal date that is realistic. Set realistic goals. Ask questions.... be open to critique and constructive criticism. You will love yourself and your body for it.
It will no longer be hard to do... It will start coming naturally to you.


good luck ladies... You CAN do it. YOU WILL DO IT!!!!