Heeeyyy so I'm a noob. I just started my first anavar cycle 3 days ago.. 10mcg/day. I've noticed subtle changes, but I guess what my biggest question would be is what's the best way to train when cycling anavar.. does it make a difference? I'm 22 and I've been lifting for about 2 years now. The past couple of months whilst still natty I was focusing on beginning my workouts with 3 sets 5 reps, slowly increasing to 3x6-8, then 3x8-10 then by the end of my exercises being up to 3x10-12. I've had pretty significant progress physically and strength wise, I'm just wondering if I should focus more on higher reps now that I've got the gear. I've heard so many different things and I'm just curious what is better for optimal results. I've got a strict lean diet as I'm currently cutting.