Hey I'm new to the site and hoping I can overcome the mammoth task of getting my body back!

Post baby I was around 60kg and bf was 17-19% unfortunately I had a very difficult and painful pregnancy long story short I gained a shameful 5 stone 😔

I've been back in training for 9 weeks (waited 6 weeks to start again) for the first 3 weeks it was pure strength training to build that back up. The following 3 weeks was a mixture of strength training and HIIT and for the last few weeks I've been do hypertrophy style weight training with steady state cardio.

I naively expected if I managed to get from 25% bf to 17% just through diet and training before I could easily shift this weight, wrong!

I keep hitting plateus! I've exhausted all my knowledge on training and diet and I'm well and truly stuck!

I eat a keto diet year round and I'm a protein type and carb intolerant this was discovered through having my biosignature done on several occasions after amending my diet.

On a rest day I have 1200 calories on a training I have 1400 calories I typically have over 150g of protein around 80g of fat and less than 20m of carbs.

My sources of protein are turkey, chicken, beef, tuna and whey protein isolate I get my fats from the meat, coconut oil and occasionally mayonnaise.

I'm not having cheat meals but if I need something sweet I'll have 6 small cubes of 85% dark chocolate although I make sure it fits into my macros.

Unfortunately having a young baby I can only fit meals in at 9am between 12.30-2pm and 5-7pm.

Is this the reason why the weight won't shift? If I try my best I could get another 2 meals in.

Any help appreciated.

I'm down 2 stone of the 5 last 3 to go I've always had a very slow metabolism the only time I could get away with cheat meals was at < 20% bf.