my name is jim 33 years old i stopped working out in 2002 .i am a natural endomorph 6' not know body fat.i have had a rough 3 years got very sick and doctors thought i had mult. sclerosis,after months of fearing the worst i was given a complete bill of health.then my father passeed away,then ther was my little drug problem,i have cleaned 2002 was 205 pounds after last cycle,then in all my despair between thinking m.sclerosis,father,then the drugs i gave up and went up to i am 225 lifting lightly,running a hard atkins 5 days a week,calories under 2000(i know this is low but i need to lose fat). my arms,shoulders are naturally big so betwwen fat loss and my natural mass i am stating to get cut again and no noticlable muscle loss.i just introduced cardio this week(i have been dreading this and it is killing me!)i realize i am a long time away from a cycle and obviously it will be a cutting one. jim usa