Hello. I'm a 44 year old male living in Toronto. I've been training on-and-off for many years and did my first cycle late last summer to mixed results due to a number of factors. I just purchased some Test E and will try this again. I recently had my Testosterone bloodwork done to see if i could qualify for HRT.
My doctor said that i was in the "normal" range. I'm trying to see if i can use a low dose of Test to support my training and bodybuilding. Plus i want to avoid having to do PCT so i want to start out using 50mg for one week and then 100mg every week shot bi-weekly at 50mgs per shot. A competitive female bodybuilder friend suggested this because she felt that, although Test E is a long-acting ester, it is a way to ensure that levels are kept even. I have many questions and am here to learn. Should i go back to my Doctor and tell him what my program of AAS will be so that he can monitor my health/liver/blood-pressure and keep an eye on my side effects? The doctors here disapprove of using steroids for bodybuilding but will monitor, but not prescribe or administer. Thanks very much guys. Looking forward to talking to you more.