Hello All!

New member, Wanted to say what's up and start my post count. I was refereed here as a good source of info to further my education as so far from reading the FAQ and sticky's I am happy to have found this place.

Little background on myself, been lifting casually since highschool, played football in HS and college for a bit, nothing special just a nice way to stay in shape and something to do in school. Currently 220.4 and 6' 3" got a good base from playing sports, just turned 26, been lifting still on my own for a while, just recently got my diet down in track.

Plans are to cut for a bit, I think I could get down to 200lbs lean I est maybe 18-20% BF right now, not really sure I dont have a scale or calipers, just use a mirror to gauge my progress.

I have no interest in trying a cycle yet, wont for a while. I really wanna cut down to 200 or so and get 13% or less BF then do a natural bulk back up to 220 or more, much cleaner bulk though so I wont have to cut again.

Been using Ketosis to cut, been doing really good for about a month now figure I got at least another 2 more to go, took me about 2 weeks of playing with my diet before it was down.

Welp, thanks for having me and hope to learn alot.