So I’m a 25 year old man and since I can remember Arnold has been my idol. I started lifting in high school for football. So I’ve been working out for almost 10 years now. But I look nothing like Arnold?!?! I may be a little bigger than the “average” man but my problem is my bodyfat and weight yo-yos. I can give you a ton of reasons/excesses why... bad genes, my job, stress, laziness, workout plateau, ect. The bottom line is I am not where I want to be physically. And this cycle has been going on for years. I am committed to living the Fitness lifestyle but with a demanding job and being a family man it can be hard to dedicate 100% like other guys can. So recently I’ve seen the movie "Bigger Stronger Faster”, I have always felt that Steroids was cheating and very bad for you. After I watched that movie I am not convincing myself that they’re so bad anymore. I feel like there may be something out there to give me an edge I need get fit and stay fit for good! Well I would’ve already wasted a lot of money if it hadn’t been for this site. So I hope to learn as much as I can and eventually get that edge.