I've been reading the forum on this site for a while now. Just like to say hello and introduce myself by way of stating my current aim.
I am 1.73m tall
weigh 72kg

My aim is to put on 15-20 pounds of muscle and lose a percent or two of body fat. I have always worked in arduos conditions and have kept fit to compensate in order to prevent things taking their toll. I get more rest now and have decided to go for it!! I started weight training again about 6 months ago with the definate aim of packing on this muscle any way I can. My health is great and I'm training using core (squats, deadlifts, pressups and benchpress) twice a week. I also use isolation exercises on two other days. One day a week I run with the dogs (light cardio). My diet is good and well balanced with no crappy foods.
Any other 'oldies' or vets with good advice to help me? As you may imagine my natural test isn't as high as a twenty year old, so gains are tough to come by. I intend to start my first cycle quite soon.. just trying to educate first!