Age 30
ht 5'10"
wt 180
bf% unknown
Workout off and on since 13-Seriously the last 3 years

Biggest issues are the lack of abs definition and smaller legs. Lower back issues makes me cautious of heavy weights so my legs get shorted on the hard press, driven workouts like the rest of my body gets.

I jumped in the forum so as to get a little better knowledge of a cycle that I was getting on and have in the last two days gathered more info than I have in the last month. Really concerns me with how many different opinions there are out there and I'm glad that this forum allows people to jump in and offer advice to counterbalance the ignorance of those that just say it without knowing what their talking about.

All and all I'm glad I found this site. It is helpful. I'm just waiting for the time when I can use more of what the site has to offer.

Maybe later!