Well i think i might have posted in the intro page before, but for some reason i can't access my profile.

I have been lifting for over 6 years now from high school to now and through sports.

In high school i didn't take anything very beneficial beside maybe like some pre-workouts

I played junior college football for 2 years and this last season was nationally ranked in the top 12 (trying not to boast)

As of right now i have been lifting hard again. I might not be playing college football this next fall to due a current GPA so I have decided to cut down on my BF % and go from that stand point.

I have previously taken some PH like H-drol, M-drol, Winstrol (PH) and Epidrol.

I'm 6'5 1/2-285lbs-around the 17-18% BF rang. I would like to get a body fat caliper to know exactly. Trying to get under 13% to have more definition.

Right now my workouts are lower weight higher reps and more full body cardio. Also eating with lower calories and good carbs.

Have never taken any REAL gear before and would like to so i can drop my BF%. If you have any help of tips feel free to let me know.