Hey everyone. Been a member on the site for a few years and was just kinda a browser to read every now and again. A little bit about me, I am 23, 5'11, 250 lbs 14% bf.

Long story short I went through a rough time in my life, gained weight ( 363.5 lbs at my heaviest ) and lost over 100 lbs in 1 year through diet and exercise. I am now a personal trainer because no one at any of the gyms I went to during my weightloss/fitness journey had ever approached me or helped me with tips or suggestions, I knew I could do better than those shyteheads.

As far as my experience with AS, I have done a few cycles in highschool which I regret because really there is no need at that age, Messed my hormones up pretty badly. I plan on doing a nice little cut cycle here in a month or two. Ill keep you posted.
