Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for some advise as i have been given alot of conflicting answers in terms of a cutting cycle that i am due to start.

I'm 30, fairly healthy but do have a gut and want to strip my weight. Last time I did a cycle it was deca , sus and clenbuterol which was around 3 years ago. I think i got some poor information and it didnt feel the best when i was on large doses (2 injections of sus and deca, clen orally) I go to the gym 4 times a week and eat very healthily and full of protein etc...

I have recently purchased a cycle that i want to start immediately and consists of TREN 50, D-WIN 25 AND TESTO ANABOLIC (10MG) 60 tablets of all 3....

I have been advised alot to be ready for this but simply 1 tablet of each after breakfast and the same after dinner? taking all at the same time. that as simple as I can put it...

Any advice would be beneficial at this stage but please no negatives etc. i have done my research but would love to hear peoples thoughts.

Thankyou in advance for your support