Hey members!
I am back here to learn,share and contribute to the s.com community after nearly 10 years of being away from this great board!
I first became a member way back in 2004 while debuting the steroid research phase of my bodybuilding endeavours as I had been training for 12 years completely natural (not even protein powder was used up until that point)
I always knew Anabolics would someday be a part of my life and I felt it was time to begin the research phase of my anabolic future as I was rapidly approaching my genetic limit, I was finishing up my university degree, and I was at a well developed age of maturity.
I also started noticing that I was already bigger and stronger than most men, I was also starting to get approached more and more often by others asking what my cycle looked like.
I am an extremist and somewhat of a perfectionist therefore I promised myself I would not use any drug that I did not fully understand every area of how it effected the body, along with being certain I had the best source..

I now could afford this lifestyle and the journey began..

I researched for nearly 2 more years while introducing supplements and protein to the plan, along with paying attention to my diet..

Since late 2005, I have done several cycles..in the beginning they were 16 weeks long once a year...over time they have become about 6-8 months long and nowadays they are extremely advanced...

I have many passions therefore when I am on cycle, all other passions get put aside and balls to the wall I go...

When the cycles conclude it is extensive PCT then completely off..no cruise..I usually stay active in the off season but no training...I like to let my body recover..I hold mass quite well..

I have experimented with generic GH in recent years but nothing extrordinary...

6 ft tall, float between 225-255lbs and 8-12%

I have a few extremely strong points...my youtube link is in my profile..

Thanks peeps!

Givverr Spoonz!