Rocky VI .... This time he is pissed....

Rocky goes deep cover to infiltrate the Mobs fix on the title fight and realizes Adrian ( his Wife ) is the Kingpin...

Devastated by the shocking news he teams up with Polly and Clubber Lang, earning his trust through his hair stylist, to kill Drago his long time arch enemy. Having never really gotten over the death of Apollo and the guilt over never throwing in the towel he goes on a rampage killing in order : James Brown, Ivan Drago, the ring announcer and several show girls..

Once he finally comes to his senses he remembers hating Clubber Lang for his role in Micky's death. He challenges Clubber to a fight to the death inside a local video arcade where many bets are placed... After finding out the fight was a set up and Clubber wasn't actually dead but found later to be holding up an airline full of hostages they seek to kill Rocky...

Sent into hiding he vows to find Adrian his wife and ask for a loan to get his act together.. Once he is able to confront his wife, she confesses to having taken all his money and to the death of his accountant convicted of embezzlement.

Rocky shaken by the tragic events turns to his long time friend and ally Gazzo his former employer. Together they finish off all those trying to seek vengeance for the fight scam Clubber and He worked together on. Having gone too far this time and having figured that it may catch up with him he ends up catching a ride on the Hijacked airliner Clubber had arranged.

Now living in Thailand training young boxers Rocky stumbles onto a money making scheme of selling Avon products. The movie runs out when Rocky makes his first big sale.