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  1. #81
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    The highest honor in Islam is to die a martyr killing Christians and Jews. The one who does this awakes in an Islamic heaven surrounded by seventy virgins

  2. #82
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    What is the point of having free speech if you have nothing to say?

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    The americans said the same about the russians during the cold war and the russians said the same about the americans during the same period. The germans claimed the russians where monsters during ww2. People fall for propaganda as easily today as they did back then.

    People get more extreme when they are doing “gods work” so it is in no way like Russia. This has to do with religion, not economics! THEY WILL CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF WHILE YOU ARE REASONING WITH THEM, IN THE NAME OF GOD!

    Comparing ahmajinad(or how the hell its spelled) to hitler is like comparing a school child to jack the ripper. Hitler had the intent and the means to do whatever he wished. Amhawhatever is a iranian puppet that talks alot but cant do nothing. School child He had a convention, all experts to come and prove the holocaust is a myth! He is Hitler and he speaks for the mass majority of moo-slems. Only time will tell…
    Last edited by Chad B; 10-06-2006 at 10:55 AM.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfstud18
    The highest honor in Islam is to die a martyr killing Christians and Jews. The one who does this awakes in an Islamic heaven surrounded by seventy virgins


  5. #85
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    " I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exhalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together" Martin Luther King

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    so have a lot of dogs and cats, historicaly they have been fighting longer than any two groups ever Abraham had two sons, one of his wife and the othe of his bond maid
    Well they have been waiting for a few thousand years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Because history has shown there is a time and a place. The jews lived free in Egypt for decades free, then were brought under slavery. Jews lied free in Babylon then were mass slaughtered. the list goes on and on, there is a time and a place. The jews lived in germany and the surounding free, then killed by hittler, and yes it is very relivant.
    Egypt? are you talking about the bibel story? In that case you should know there is no proof whatsoever that the jews where ever slaves in egypt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Do I? thats what YOU say
    No, you are the one that claims for sure that you know Iran will build nuclear weapons and will use them. I am just saying that I dont buy into the hype, that there is NO evidence whatsoever for a nuclear weapons program and that we should discuss this for a long time since they are years from beeing able to build nuclear weapons.

    You are the one claiming you know what they plan and intend, yet you at the same time claim they are incomprehensible.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfstud18
    The highest honor in Islam is to die a martyr killing Christians and Jews. The one who does this awakes in an Islamic heaven surrounded by seventy virgins
    bullshit. We have several muslims on this board that can rip that claim to pieces so I will let them do it. But it is complete and utter bullshit.

  8. #88
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    " It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. Do not ever let anyone claim to be a true American patriot if they ever attempt to separate Religion from politics " George Washington Reading that quote made me realize why we are here in American we broke away from Englad for Religion so we can have a nation under God.

  9. #89
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    The most interesting thing about this trend is to observe who is failing to defend us against this threat to freedom of speech and thought: the left, which used to at least pretend that it stood for freedom of expression against the oppressive forces of traditional religion. The lesson we’re learning now is that, in an ironic twist, it is only the American right that has the will and the nerve to stand up for the Enlightenment.

  10. #90
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    The new enemies of Reason are not the enraged democrats who executed Socrates, the Christian Zealots who persecuted philosophers of heliocentricity (sp), or the Nazis who burned books. No, they are a pampered and scared Western public that caves to barbarism — dwarves who sit on the shoulders of dead giants, and believe that their present exalted position is somehow related to their own cowardly sense of accommodation

  11. #91
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    Just think: Put on an opera in today’s Germany, and have it shut down, not by Nazis, Communists, or Kings, but by the simple fear of Islamic fanatics

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    People get more extreme when they are doing “gods work” so it is in no way like Russia. This has to do with religion, not economics! THEY WILL CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF WHILE YOU ARE REASONING WITH THEM, IN THE NAME OF GOD!
    And during the cold war the same was said about those godless, atheist russians, they have no god, completely crazy, you cant reason with them, they will chop your head off and piss on the good bible blah blah. Atheists are the worst scum on the planet, never trust a man without a god.
    Turns out the russians wherent so bad after all.

    And offcourse the russians belived the same shit about americans, those capitalist barbarians would sell there mother and kill there own children to make a extra dollar. No culture and no honor just a bunch of crazy savages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    School child He had a convention, all experts to come and prove the holocaust is a myth! He is Hitler and he speaks for the mass majority of moo-slems. Only time will tell…
    So what?? Claiming the holocaust didnt happen and nuking a country is two different things. I dont care one bit about his belife or non belife in the holocaust. What I am saying is that he is no hitler because:

    a. He isnt building concentration camps to gas jews.
    b. He isnt invanding his neightbooring countries to create living space for his people.
    c. He doesnt have the worlds best technology(like germany did during ww2.
    d. He doesnt posses controll of a army, navy and airforce that is a threat to any western country.

    The difference betwen him and hitler is that hitler could back up his word. Iran cant, they are nothing, the moment they do something stupid that country will cease to exist. Not even hitler would have been stupid enough to do anything with those odds.

    Hitler and Stalin where crazy people that could wield alot of power. Ahmajineblahblah is a puppet president that has NO controll over anything important since the ayatholla runs the show.

  13. #93
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    I’m not Catholic but I am a Christian and I am offended by Muslims shooting nuns in the back in Somalia and raping and killing little Christian girls in Indonesia. In fact I am so offended I am declaring a “fatwar” against all Muslims overseas. For every Christian who is killed, a Muslim city will be bombed to rubble - starting with Teheran. We must take the battle to the infidels. Kill them all and let I AM I AM sort them out.

  14. #94
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    Why is the Pope being left hanging out to dry by the leaders of the so-called “Free World”? Not a one has stood up and defended him? I'm trying to figure it out

  15. #95
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    Pope Benedict is going to go ahead with the trip to Turkey, he will be surrounded by millions of angry, easily offended Muslims who are already boiling mad at him and the rest of the world in general. If anything at all happens to the Pope during this visit, there will be hell to pay ... literally. If he even so much as gets a scatch on his head, it will be time to rain fire and brimstone down on the sorry bastards. They have been begging for a fight for decades now. This could be the match that lights the fuse that blows it all up.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Well they have been waiting for a few thousand years.

    Egypt? are you talking about the bibel story? In that case you should know there is no proof whatsoever that the jews where ever slaves in egypt.

    No, you are the one that claims for sure that you know Iran will build nuclear weapons and will use them. I am just saying that I dont buy into the hype, that there is NO evidence whatsoever for a nuclear weapons program and that we should discuss this for a long time since they are years from beeing able to build nuclear weapons.

    You are the one claiming you know what they plan and intend, yet you at the same time claim they are incomprehensible.
    My point is an atheist can not relate, nor comprehend this reasoning because he has not felt the POWER of “faith or belief.” Nothing is as strong as belief in a faith, to were people are being burned at the stake while singing sons to god with a smile. I can relate and understand because I have a strong faith and would do ANYTHING for my God, just so happens my god says love your neighbor and treat others as you would want to be treated.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    bullshit. We have several muslims on this board that can rip that claim to pieces so I will let them do it. But it is complete and utter bullshit.
    Westernized moo-slems have already given into the devil and need there heads chopped off. These are the needles in a haystack and don’t speak for the moo-slem world

  18. #98
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    I concur

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Westernized moo-slems have already given into the devil and need there heads chopped off. These are the needles in a haystack and don’t speak for the moo-slem world
    Exactly, When they bring their abominable behavior to America it’s time to break out the tar and feathers. Y’all find a good sturdy tree - I’ll bring the rope ...

  20. #100
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    Not only do we have to worry about this crap, We have grown men going into are school's and killing the children. What has this world come too.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    And during the cold war the same was said about those godless, atheist russians, they have no god, completely crazy, you cant reason with them, they will chop your head off and piss on the good bible blah blah. Atheists are the worst scum on the planet, never trust a man without a god.
    Turns out the russians wherent so bad after all.

    And offcourse the russians belived the same shit about americans, those capitalist barbarians would sell there mother and kill there own children to make a extra dollar. No culture and no honor just a bunch of crazy savages.

    The only difference is we have video footage, 911, the list goes on and on…
    Pure proof

    So what?? Claiming the holocaust didnt happen and nuking a country is two different things. I dont care one bit about his belife or non belife in the holocaust. What I am saying is that he is no hitler because:

    a. He isnt building concentration camps to gas jews.
    b. He isnt invanding his neightbooring countries to create living space for his people.
    c. He doesnt have the worlds best technology(like germany did during ww2.
    d. He doesnt posses controll of a army, navy and airforce that is a threat to any western country.

    The difference betwen him and hitler is that hitler could back up his word. Iran cant, they are nothing, the moment they do something stupid that country will cease to exist. Not even hitler would have been stupid enough to do anything with those odds.

    Hitler and Stalin where crazy people that could wield alot of power. Ahmajineblahblah is a puppet president that has NO controll over anything important since the ayatholla runs the show. Yes a lot of this is true but times are a changing

  22. #102
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    Look you 2 need to stop bashing islam. This forum does not tollerate any kind of rascism. We have several well respected muslim members here that are not fanatic in any way. By condemning all muslims you act just as fanatic as those al qaida ****s waging war against the west.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    My point is an atheist can not relate, nor comprehend this reasoning because he has not felt the POWER of “faith or belief.” Nothing is as strong as belief in a faith, to were people are being burned at the stake while singing sons to god with a smile. I can relate and understand because I have a strong faith and would do ANYTHING for my God, just so happens my god says love your neighbor and treat others as you would want to be treated.
    The quran preaches just about the same as the bible. Allah say the same things as your god. Both the bible and the quran is filled with messages of love and messages of violence.

    If faith in god makes people do incredibly stupid things then maby we dont need those gods.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfstud18
    The most interesting thing about this trend is to observe who is failing to defend us against this threat to freedom of speech and thought: the left, which used to at least pretend that it stood for freedom of expression against the oppressive forces of traditional religion. The lesson we’re learning now is that, in an ironic twist, it is only the American right that has the will and the nerve to stand up for the Enlightenment.
    The left and the right is both equaly inclined to step on the rights in order to gain more power. They are both filled with equal ammounts of shit. They just wrap it differently.

    I guess the bush admin is a good champion for the enlightment
    I mean its not like they are against verified science like evolution, the big bang theory and global warming. Its not like they force scientists to censur there statements, its not like they are trying to push religion into science class at schools.

  25. #105
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    Agian like I said what's the point of having free speech if you have nothing to say! Now I'm not talking bad to all musliums understand that. Musliums have different braches like christian's do. Not all musliums are bad i'm diff attracted to some of them. But besides that Christians there is about 10 different kinds. Okay just for get abouttt ittt

  26. #106
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    Exactly man

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    The only difference is we have video footage, 911, the list goes on and on…
    Pure proof
    So? Just because a small group of terrorists commit a atrocitie you are willing to claim all muslims would be happy to repeat it.

    US soliders raped and killed inocent people during the vietnam war, you dont hear me saying all americans are rapists and murderers. German soliders comieted horrible atrocities during ww2, you dont hear me saying all germans are mass murderers.

    Christians used to burn "witches" on stakes, used to kill scientists. You dont hear me saying all christians are murderers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    Yes a lot of this is true but times are a changing
    Look at the military budget of Iran, they only spend twice as much as sweden. Its going to take a couple of hundrad years for them to even catch up to third rate military powers.

  28. #108
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    The world is a crazy place can't understand everything no matter how hard we try. I love talking to people like you who think different then me cause it challenges me to ask myself. "Why do I believe what I do" You know I just hope it does the same for you it's not about changing nobody's mind but your own and knowing why you believe what you do and understanding why other believe what they do

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfstud18
    The world is a crazy place can't understand everything no matter how hard we try. I love talking to people like you who think different then me cause it challenges me to ask myself. "Why do I believe what I do" You know I just hope it does the same for you it's not about changing nobody's mind but your own and knowing why you believe what you do and understanding why other believe what they do
    Yupp I agree with that.

  30. #110
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    [quote=johan]So? Just because a small group of terrorists commit a atrocitie you are willing to claim all muslims would be happy to repeat it.

    Christians used to burn "witches" on stakes, used to kill scientists. You dont hear me saying all christians are murderers.

    Excatly how i feel about Christians around that time as well. There is different Christians out there that abuse the bible and turn it around and not all us Christians are bad. I'm sure the same goes with the muslims

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    So? Just because a small group of terrorists commit a atrocitie you are willing to claim all muslims would be happy to repeat it.

    Johan, did you not watch the news coverage after 9-11 and see all the muslims around the world praising god and burning american flags after the attack. I am willing to bet you any of the people I saw on t.v. that day would have jumped at the chance to be on one of those planes and ramming them into the towers.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Look you 2 need to stop bashing islam. This forum does not tollerate any kind of rascism. We have several well respected muslim members here that are not fanatic in any way. By condemning all muslims you act just as fanatic as those al qaida ****s waging war against the west.

    I understand that there are people who claim they are Moslems that are peaceful. What I am saying is that the mass majority (non westernized) of them admonish those radicals which they call martyrs.

    I can pull dozens of verses from the Koran that says to kill infidels, yada, yada, yada… You can pull NO scriptures out of the NEW testament (the Christian faith) which has any commands to us to kill human life PERIOD. Of coarse there are people who claim the Christian faith that do not adhere to that (like Bush), but that is besides the fact.

    But I am done with this. You seem to have a heart and that is why you can’t see it from my point of view, you want to believe in people and I respect you for that.
    Last edited by Chad B; 10-06-2006 at 01:08 PM.

  33. #113
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    Johan, did you not watch the news coverage after 9-11 and see all the muslims around the world praising god and burning american flags after the attack. I am willing to bet you any of the people I saw on t.v. that day would have jumped at the chance to be on one of those planes and ramming them into the towers.
    Yes offcourse the news teams mamaged to capture all of the over one billion muslims on this planet

    Even even a small minority of muslims where hardcore fanatic suicide bombers europe and america would be in ruins right now. Do the maths. 1 % of 1 billion is 10 million. Its probably more like 0.01%.

    If you let media be the only way you makeup your mind about the middle east you will just swallow the propaganda.
    Muslims are todays communists. We se them everywhere and they are always planning to destroy the free world....
    Fortunaly the world is sane enough not to let another Joseph McCarthy run around and harass people.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    I understand that there are people who claim they are Moslems that are peaceful. What I am saying is that the mass majority (non westernized) of them admonish those radicals which they call martyrs.

    I can pull dozens of verses from the Koran that says to kill infidels, yada, yada, yada… You can pull NO scriptures out of the NEW testament (the Christian faith) which has any commands to us to kill human life PERIOD. Of coarse there are people who claim the Christian faith that do not adhere to that (like Bush), but that is besides the fact.

    But I am done with this. You seem to have a heart and that is why you can’t see it from my point of view, you want to believe in people and I respect you for that.
    Yupp better to agree to disagree at this point

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by givemethejuice

    Yes offcourse the news teams mamaged to capture all of the over one billion muslims on this planet

    Even even a small minority of muslims where hardcore fanatic suicide bombers europe and america would be in ruins right now. Do the maths. 1 % of 1 billion is 10 million. Its probably more like 0.01%. Again we are talking about the non westernized Moslems; the ones living in USA and Europe are mostly westernized. And yes there were bombs going off in Israel every day at one time and yes they were terrorized, now the Israelis are better at stopping them. Why? Because they are surrounded by non westernized Moslems. USA would have the same thing if its boarders were like Israel.
    Johan you seem like an open minded guy and I see you in a lot of threads understand some of the things the opposing side says. But in this issue I don’t seem like you’re trying to see it from my point of view. Words are funny and we have to try to understand the big picture of what the opposing side is saying, but you seem to be “hard headed” with this issue, like you are not even hearing what other people say. Or that you jump on there words without attempting to see the “big picture” of what they are saying. I on the other hand have said you are right and some of what you say is true. From most threads I have seen you in this is not the case, you remain very open-minded. Are you having a bad day or something?


  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B

    [B]Johan you seem like an open minded guy and I see you in a lot of threads understand some of the things the opposing side says. But in this issue I don’t seem like you’re trying to see it from my point of view. Words are funny and we have to try to understand the big picture of what the opposing side is saying, but you seem to be “hard headed” with this issue, like you are not even hearing what other people say. Or that you jump on there words without attempting to see the “big picture” of what they are saying. I on the other hand have said you are right and some of what you say is true. From most threads I have seen you in this is not the case, you remain very open-minded. Are you having a bad day or something?

    No not having a bad day at all allthough I have been notoriously cranky from alot of stress during the last weeks or so :/ So maby I am beeing a bit rude.

    But in this case I just can not se how anyone can belive the majority of a group of people that consists of over one billion humans(the majority of those billion + people living in poor regions of the world, so not westernised)are terrorists or terrorists sympatisers.

    I mean sure maby some of them cheere if shit happens in europe or america, but that doesnt mean they would blow themself up. What everything going on there and the religious leaders brainwashing them I cant blame them for cheering. They are brainwashed from the day they are born. Even the schools teach vile things over there.

    But I have 100% belife in that the overwhelming majority of them are good, decent people that just want to live there lifes, put food on the table, create a good life for there kids and so on. Just like you and me, they just happen to be born in the wrong place.

    Most of the iraqi's and irani's coming to sweden are decent people. I have never meet any imigrant that was rude towards me, on the contrary the imigrants that are in there 30's and older are tremendously polie. Cant say the same about the teens though.
    But we have huge imigration into sweden(a higher % of imigrants than you have in the states), loads cooming from iraq now and loads from iran, and they are causing no problem.

    Since Im not living in a country that is at any risk of terror attacks I might be biased. But I think the whole terrorist deal is WAY overblown. The world is facing much bigger issues that needs much more attention and this whole war on terror bullshit is draining resources and attention away from the real issues, the issues that will shape the future of civilisation.

    Energy, environment and helping the thirld world countries to catch up, that is where the focus should lie. If nothing else atleast out of self interest. Humanity has had it easy with the cheap and easy oil, now we need to take responsibility and make sure our kids and grandkids will have it just as easy but with a non polution cheap and abundant source of energy. I would hate it if our grandchildren look back at this day and age and ask themself why we didnt do anything, why we where blind and ignorant and why we didnt care.

    One of the finest moment in human history is the marshall plan after world war 2. There is nothing preventing us from repeating that on another part of the world and everyone would profit.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B

    You know nothing of my character.

    Why do you think no Major Moo-slem leaders have spoken out, because these terrorist are martyrs to them.

    There should be an uprising of moo-slems against the killing. But instead the pope recites an old speech saying that true moo-slems are to be peaceful in their land (paraphrase) and what do they do? Yes, they put a death warrant out on him and march around with sighn that say KILL THE POPE.


    YOU WANT TO BLAME AMERICA FOR ALL THE DEATHS IN IRACK, YOUR CHARACTER SUCKS! SEE HOW DOES IT FEEL? (Actual I don’t judge you, just saying this so you can see from my point of view, it is all just thought and I would never hurt anybody, I would give my life up in a heartbeat to save others) WELL I BLAME THE MOOS-SLEM RELIGON FOR ALL THE DEATHS BECAUSE IT TEACHES HATE. TO THE MOO-SLEM WORLD WE ARE THE DEVIL AND WE MUST DIE, BUT YOU ARE TOO NAIVE TO SEE ALL OF THIS.

    Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt publically critized Hezballah when captured the Israeli soldiers. These governments are oppressive and fear terrorist groups because they are trying to overthrow them. We also use them to torture suspected terrorists for us.

    The middle east needs democratic governments that respect the rights of their citizens. But be serious, the West doesn't want democracy. When Hamas won a fair election last january and since the Israel, the US and EU didn't like the results, they've been trying to starve the palestinians into creating a government to there liking. So much for democracy.

    Well you open yourself to criticism by saying things like "THE MOO-SLEM RELIGON IS EVIL." Your basing your oppinion on 1.1 billion people on a few thousand terrorists.

    America, UK, Australia, the colalition of the willing can't wash their hands of this. They caused a lot of civilian deaths during the invasion, created a power vacuum removing, and let to rise of religious tension and the rise of religious extremism.

    This is the pope's quote. I don't see how it's praising muslims.

    "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

    I've never read the Qur'an so I only have a vague clue of wants inside. Since you've read it, you should create a threat and discuss the points of islam with zOaib. I look forward to being informed.

  38. #118
    mcpeepants's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Well they have been waiting for a few thousand years.

    Egypt? are you talking about the bibel story? In that case you should know there is no proof whatsoever that the jews where ever slaves in egypt.

    No, you are the one that claims for sure that you know Iran will build nuclear weapons and will use them. I am just saying that I dont buy into the hype, that there is NO evidence whatsoever for a nuclear weapons program and that we should discuss this for a long time since they are years from beeing able to build nuclear weapons.

    You are the one claiming you know what they plan and intend, yet you at the same time claim they are incomprehensible.
    That last line is nice

  39. #119
    Chad B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    No not having a bad day at all allthough I have been notoriously cranky from alot of stress during the last weeks or so :/ So maby I am beeing a bit rude.

    But in this case I just can not se how anyone can belive the majority of a group of people that consists of over one billion humans(the majority of those billion + people living in poor regions of the world, so not westernised)are terrorists or terrorists sympatisers.

    I mean sure maby some of them cheere if shit happens in europe or america, but that doesnt mean they would blow themself up. What everything going on there and the religious leaders brainwashing them I cant blame them for cheering. They are brainwashed from the day they are born. Even the schools teach vile things over there.

    But I have 100% belife in that the overwhelming majority of them are good, decent people that just want to live there lifes, put food on the table, create a good life for there kids and so on. Just like you and me, they just happen to be born in the wrong place.

    Most of the iraqi's and irani's coming to sweden are decent people. I have never meet any imigrant that was rude towards me, on the contrary the imigrants that are in there 30's and older are tremendously polie. Cant say the same about the teens though.
    But we have huge imigration into sweden(a higher % of imigrants than you have in the states), loads cooming from iraq now and loads from iran, and they are causing no problem.

    Since Im not living in a country that is at any risk of terror attacks I might be biased. But I think the whole terrorist deal is WAY overblown. The world is facing much bigger issues that needs much more attention and this whole war on terror bullshit is draining resources and attention away from the real issues, the issues that will shape the future of civilisation.

    Energy, environment and helping the thirld world countries to catch up, that is where the focus should lie. If nothing else atleast out of self interest. Humanity has had it easy with the cheap and easy oil, now we need to take responsibility and make sure our kids and grandkids will have it just as easy but with a non polution cheap and abundant source of energy. I would hate it if our grandchildren look back at this day and age and ask themself why we didnt do anything, why we where blind and ignorant and why we didnt care.

    One of the finest moment in human history is the marshall plan after world war 2. There is nothing preventing us from repeating that on another part of the world and everyone would profit.
    Most of the world does not like America.

    I believe that these people don’t see them as terrorists, but martyrs, people called by God for a high calling in there faith. In there minds they are not doing anything wrong supporting there martyrs, they look up to them as being warriors for Allah. Most of these people don’t have luxuries, cars and so on; all they have is there religion.

    I completely understand why you believe what you believe. Maybe it is your upbringing and maybe were you live is more peaceful place than USA. You have a strong faith in mankind, which I don’t have. I had a very rough childhood and have seen and been a victim to the evil that is in man, so I have very little faith in mankind, I actual have the opposite. Maybe I should move to Sweden because all I see over here is a doggy dog world, with not much brotherhood at all.

    Am I a worse person because I believe this way? I don’t think so. If you were black, white, Jew, or Muslim I would still treat you as I would want to be treated, this to me is the golden rule, the way to a happy life. Yes, I think most Moslems are bad, but if a Moslem came up to me on the street or in the office I would see him as a brother and give him the benefit of the doubt. I would see him as brother until proven otherwise. Why don’t I do this with the world, well the world has proven itself to me as my enemy, but when I meet an individual I don’t know if he is part of the world or not. Do I also think most of the professed Christians in the world are Hippocrates and have wicked harts, yes, even though I believe in Christ. But I also see potential in everybody too, and I have met some genuine “good” people so I know they are out there.

    Hope this wasn’t too confusing.

    I value you opinion and friendship, this is why I tried to explain myself. I have read tons of your posts in the past few years and from what I can tell your cool.

  40. #120
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    If faith in god makes people do incredibly stupid things then maby we dont need those gods.
    qoute of the year!

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