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  1. #1
    harleystrongman's Avatar
    harleystrongman is offline Junior Member
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    North Korea the Nuke, and the ICBM.

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. -John Stuart Mill

    I am tired of people just wanting to talk about these things. The UN said you need to stop making ICBM,s and what do they do, they make them. Then a couple of months latter, they make a nuke. Its time to stop ragging on president bush about Iraq, we all know it was a mistake. Now lets stop worying about the past, and do something when we actually should.

  2. #2
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    Just as The Gargoyle (Kim John-Il) predicted when he set off his almost-nuclear explosion the other day, the consequences of his actions aren't amounting to much. Unable to get China (or Russia for that matter) on board, the U.S. is forced to shop a resolution around at the U.N. that includes non-military sanctions. You know, stuff like travel restrictions....economic penalties...breaking diplomatic relations and such.

    In other words, nothing. The Norks (North Koreans) gave the finger to the world by setting off a nuclear device when they were told not to...and there won't be any real repercussions. China, which shares a long border with North Korea, doesn't want to really do anything. They're afraid of a refugee crisis. Neither does Russia. Russia is enjoying seeing the U.S. weakened by this little pipsqueak. South Korea, which always talks big whenever Kim Jong-Il acts out...really doesn't want to do anything. So we're back to square one. The Gargoyle (Kim John-Il) has discovered that he can do whatever he pleases and get away with it.

    So what will be the breaking point? Does North Korea have to do it again to get somebody's attention? Will it take them launching a nuclear missile at Japan or Seoul or some other part of the region? Are we going to wait until the Norks sell a nuclear bomb to Islamic terrorists first? Apparently so, because nothing has happened nor will it happen to North Korea as a result of this nuclear test.

    And that's too bad. In another time, like say during John F. Kennedy's years in office...this wouldn't be tolerated. Or even during Reagan's term. North Korea would be warned once...and when they did it anyway, there would be a large barbecue going on in Pyongyang right about now. But in this age of global appeasement, we're just going to sit back and do nothing.

  3. #3
    Tesla's Avatar
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    It shall be the policy of this Nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.

    -- President John F. Kennedy, Oct. 22, 1962

    Now that's deterrence.

    This is what should be announced to the Norks...

    Given the fact that there is no other nuclear power so recklessly in violation of its nuclear obligations, it shall be the policy of this Nation to regard any detonation of a nuclear explosive on the United States or its allies as an attack by North Korea on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response upon North Korea.

  4. #4
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla
    Just as The Gargoyle (Kim John-Il) predicted when he set off his almost-nuclear explosion the other day, the consequences of his actions aren't amounting to much. Unable to get China (or Russia for that matter) on board, the U.S. is forced to shop a resolution around at the U.N. that includes non-military sanctions. You know, stuff like travel restrictions....economic penalties...breaking diplomatic relations and such.

    In other words, nothing. The Norks (North Koreans) gave the finger to the world by setting off a nuclear device when they were told not to...and there won't be any real repercussions. China, which shares a long border with North Korea, doesn't want to really do anything. They're afraid of a refugee crisis. Neither does Russia. Russia is enjoying seeing the U.S. weakened by this little pipsqueak. South Korea, which always talks big whenever Kim Jong-Il acts out...really doesn't want to do anything. So we're back to square one. The Gargoyle (Kim John-Il) has discovered that he can do whatever he pleases and get away with it.

    So what will be the breaking point? Does North Korea have to do it again to get somebody's attention? Will it take them launching a nuclear missile at Japan or Seoul or some other part of the region? Are we going to wait until the Norks sell a nuclear bomb to Islamic terrorists first? Apparently so, because nothing has happened nor will it happen to North Korea as a result of this nuclear test.

    And that's too bad. In another time, like say during John F. Kennedy's years in office...this wouldn't be tolerated. Or even during Reagan's term. North Korea would be warned once...and when they did it anyway, there would be a large barbecue going on in Pyongyang right about now. But in this age of global appeasement, we're just going to sit back and do nothing.
    the way you put it sounds very much like the circumstances right before world war 1. Except the US is not isolationist

  5. #5
    LawMan018's Avatar
    LawMan018 is offline Senior Member
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    Guys we cannot do much about this now... It's like a big chess game... The best and brightest idea has been what they have done. A huge retaliation? Stupid, stupid, stupid... Let's see, they have nuclear capabilities, we "attack", they launch those nukes south, killing 10 million innocent South Koreans... No nation would want that on their backs. The country is being run by a crazy ignorant man and the government has somehow convinced the people that what they are doing is right. Because of the U.N. Council meeting China has agreed to make sanctions against North Korea so at least we are taking steps in the right direction. But we cannot, and should not do much more then we are already doing. I do not agree with our representative for the U.N. Council (The moron doesn't even think their should be a U.N. Council) but he made a good point when he showed us how the North Korean representative walked out during the meeting. Meaning that it is going to be very tough to get through to this Nation. War is a last result... Especially when the country is holding another hostage...

  6. #6
    Phreak101's Avatar
    Phreak101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Guys we cannot do much about this now... It's like a big chess game... The best and brightest idea has been what they have done. A huge retaliation? Stupid, stupid, stupid... Let's see, they have nuclear capabilities, we "attack", they launch those nukes south, killing 10 million innocent South Koreans... No nation would want that on their backs. The country is being run by a crazy ignorant man and the government has somehow convinced the people that what they are doing is right. Because of the U.N. Council meeting China has agreed to make sanctions against North Korea so at least we are taking steps in the right direction. But we cannot, and should not do much more then we are already doing. I do not agree with our representative for the U.N. Council (The moron doesn't even think their should be a U.N. Council) but he made a good point when he showed us how the North Korean representative walked out during the meeting. Meaning that it is going to be very tough to get through to this Nation. War is a last result... Especially when the country is holding another hostage...

    What happens when NK starts selling nukes to the highest Islamo-fascist bidder looking to smuggle in a dirty bomb from Mexico?

    If we are sanctioning them, what other way can Kim Jong Il afford his Bentleys and scotch while his country starves other than selling nuclear secrets?

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