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  1. #1
    ecivon is offline Member
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    What were the Jews doing at the Holocaust conference?

    Orthodox Jews against existence of Israel:

  2. #2
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Orthodox Jews against existence of Israel:

    This must seem mute even to you,
    I can call up a multitude of names of highly respected Arabs, and Muslims that refute the words, actions, and propaganda of Arabs, and Islam. The same can be done for any number of ideologies, and faiths. There will always be rival opinions, this means absolutely nothing in the big picture. Or the truth of history.

    But I am curious why exactly you feel the need to deny the violent deaths of innocent people. What makes Ahmenajad, and his ilk feel warm inside when clearly and intentionally hurting people who have done them no wrong?

  3. #3
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    I'm here and there.
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    But I am curious why exactly you feel the need to deny the violent deaths of innocent people. What makes Ahmenajad, and his ilk feel warm inside when clearly and intentionally hurting people who have done them no wrong?
    Nobody is denying the suffering of the Palestinians, I think.

  4. #4
    singern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FearlessFighter
    Nobody is denying the suffering of the Palestinians, I think.
    Then using your method of ignorance I should come back with:
    What suffering, no Palestinian has ever been harmed. In fact we should have a conference to prove it, I am sure there will be no shortage of Muslims to confer the Intifada Hoax.
    Last edited by singern; 12-15-2006 at 11:52 AM.

  5. #5
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    I'm here and there.
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Then using your method of ignorance I should come back with:
    What suffering, no Palestinian has ever been harmed. In fact we should have a conference to prove it, I am sure there will be no shortage of Muslims to confer the Intifada Hoax.
    The difference with the suffering of the Palestinians and those alleged by your people in their stories is that the suffering of the Palestinians does not conflict with logic, rational thought and the laws of physics. Furthermore there have been absolutely no scientific research contesting the suffering of the Palestinians.

    So your useless rambling is nil.

  6. #6
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by FearlessFighter
    Furthermore there have been absolutely no scientific research contesting the suffering of the Palestinians.

    So my useless rambling goes on.
    Your so right, I have seen no research on so called "Palestinian suffering", Nor have I seen any evidence of them even existing in the Middle east, so it must be a big hoax.

    Well I have to go celebrate Hanukkah tonight, but you mat want to have a conference of intellectuals to make sure the holiday really exists.

    Happy Hanukkah to all the Jews on AR.

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