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Thread: Pelosi

  1. #1
    DTBusta's Avatar
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    Arrow Pelosi

    It was on msnbc and Fox News Channel that Nancy pelosi had the balls to ask for a 747 to fly her straight to and from cali.

    My news source is msnbc and fox news, if you don't believe me I wouldn't make this crap up!

    Anyway the pentagon blew it out of proportion saying she was being greedy wanting the larger one isntead of the little private one they first offered. This is a ploy by rumsfeld which still has a desk in the pnetagon to take everyones eye off the ball with whats being cooked up in D.c with Iraq surge and Iran.

    Pelosi responded with cameras in her face that" I don't even know the numbers of the Plane. It's like this, when I was elected I was entitled to a Jet the pentagon told her for security and transportation. She said that only if she could have one that went nonstop then she'd take it. Well the one they offered up didn't so she told them no thanks I'll continue to fly publicly like she has on 1,457 flights during her time in congress in the past years.

  2. #2
    mcpeepants's Avatar
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    I saw that on Tucker Carlsons show yesterday. It's doesn't suprise me if it's true because dems are just as corrupt as republicans

  3. #3
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTBusta
    It was on msnbc and Fox News Channel that Nancy pelosi had the balls to ask for a 747 to fly her straight to and from cali.

    My news source is msnbc and fox news, if you don't believe me I wouldn't make this crap up!

    Anyway the pentagon blew it out of proportion saying she was being greedy wanting the larger one isntead of the little private one they first offered. This is a ploy by rumsfeld which still has a desk in the pnetagon to take everyones eye off the ball with whats being cooked up in D.c with Iraq surge and Iran.

    Pelosi responded with cameras in her face that" I don't even know the numbers of the Plane. It's like this, when I was elected I was entitled to a Jet the pentagon told her for security and transportation. She said that only if she could have one that went nonstop then she'd take it. Well the one they offered up didn't so she told them no thanks I'll continue to fly publicly like she has on 1,457 flights during her time in congress in the past years.
    I could be wrong but I thought it was for a 767 -- not that much difference though. Her justification was that because she was from a large state -- California -- that she needed a larger plane for security staff and to be able to fly nonstop without having to stop for refueling like on a smaller plane.

    And there is no damned difference between the parties -- bottom line is they are all politicians -- criminal, crooked and wolves in sheeps clothing.

  4. #4
    Teabagger's Avatar
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    I didn't hear she specified a particular plane...only its specs and capabiliteis. Fly non-stop to California, have at least 47 person first class seating, state of the art entertainment lounge, private bedroom/lounge and toilet for her, and state of the art comm. gear, with a crew of at least 16!!

    Each trip would cost the taxpayers something like $300,000.00. She must think she is the President. Yup..she is looking out for us poor working stiffs.

  5. #5
    DTBusta's Avatar
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    I guess its who you hear it from, there are a tremendous amount of inaccuracies of who really requested what...and who said what.

    And it would be correct to say Pelosi was a key note speaker on several occasions for AIPAC, therefore she is game.

  6. #6
    DTBusta's Avatar
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    somebody offered her this from the pentagon, it was her choice, shes stupid for requesting such a thing, shes not royalty, she was put there by the dems to at the very least oppose bush let alone wanting impeachment. Just like the republicans, look what we get, nothing for our money or our vote. One either can vote for anarchy then or for Ron Paul 08-theres a republican that isn't one short of a six pack.

    crazy, I saw the news today, they were acting like it was breaking news, they said she wanbted this plane, and they interviewed her and she played it off perfectly, a perfectly good liar then. Amazing how I didn't think to research the story more, after I looked around I saw it was being covered for the past 5 days! I became ignorant, automatically believing the words that came out of her mouth, I'd like ot believe Im neither conservative or liberal(seem to be both so guess im middle of the road then), but its not that easy, bush is scum and so is pelosi, I should have known better knowing she was an AIPAC member. Again americans voted them in because they wanted change, not to fly her around for fun.Politicians just suck.
    Last edited by DTBusta; 02-08-2007 at 05:28 PM.

  7. #7
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    I could be wrong but I thought it was for a 767 -- not that much difference though. Her justification was that because she was from a large state -- California -- that she needed a larger plane for security staff and to be able to fly nonstop without having to stop for refueling like on a smaller plane.

    And there is no damned difference between the parties -- bottom line is they are all politicians -- criminal, crooked and wolves in sheeps clothing.
    As much as I do not like her policies, this is muchado about nothing. As second in line to the presidency, the Speaker of the House has been provided with increased security. None-stop flights are protocol for their security. Haster had it as well, but he only had to fly to Chicago non-stop, Pelosi has to go all the way to California, so it would make sense that she needs a larger plane. I think that they will be going with a C37, not the reported 757.

    BTW, on Fox last night they were saying this exact thing........

  8. #8
    DTBusta's Avatar
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    3rd in line no? Bush-cheney-Pelosi....So if she impeached Bush and Cheney she could beat Clinton as first woman president...well woman by technicality anyway. Yes it was nothing about nothing.Republicans just trying a little to discredit. Pelosi said she'd keep flying public like she has to dc some 1400 time before she became speaker.

  9. #9
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTBusta
    3rd in line no? Bush-cheney-Pelosi....So if she impeached Bush and Cheney she could beat Clinton as first woman president...well woman by technicality anyway. Yes it was nothing about nothing.Republicans just trying a little to discredit. Pelosi said she'd keep flying public like she has to dc some 1400 time before she became speaker.
    Pelosi handled it wrong. Even the White House said this was not a big deal and had been blown way out of proportion.

  10. #10
    DTBusta's Avatar
    DTBusta is offline Associate Member
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    You are right Logan she did.

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