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  1. #1
    singern's Avatar
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    Iran Attacks Hollywood

    Iranian Officials Angry Over 'Hostile Portrayal' in Hollywood Hit Movie '300'
    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    Iran, which turned a deaf ear last year to protests over its attempt to rewrite history through a Holocaust conference, now is crying foul over what it calls a "fabrication of culture and insult" to Iranians in the Hollywood hit movie "300."

    "Cultural intrusion is among the tactics always used by the aliens," a government spokesman charged in a statement made to the state FARS News Agency. "Such a fabrication of culture and insult to people is not acceptable by any nation or government and we consider this attitude as hostile."

    The Iranian press has seized on the outrage, with one newspaper, Ayandeh-No, proclaiming: "Hollywood declares war on Iranians."

    Javad Shangari, a cultural adviser to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, attacked the film as being "part of a comprehensive U.S. psychological warfare aimed at Iranian culture," Daily Variety reported Wednesday.

    An online petition calls the movie's distributor, Warner Brothers, " we demand an immediate historical review and quick apology from the responsible people."

    The film depicts the 480 B.C. Battle of Thermopylae between 300 Spartan soldiers and an invading Persian army. Iranians are descendents of Persians, who are portrayed as evil. Of particular scorn for Iranians is the depiction of Persian Emperor Xerxes, who was descended from Cyrus, and is revered in Iran for having written the first human rights declaration.

    The Iranian government hosted a two-day gathering last December, billed as a legitimate conference on the historical record and invited notorious Holocaust deniers and white supremacists from around the world, including former Ku Klux Klan leader, David Duke.

    The Foreign Ministry held the event after Ahmadinejad claimed several times that the Holocaust was a myth, invented by Zionists to justify the establishment of Israel.

    With all the international sanctions, and world wide political condemnations you would think Iran would want to show some sign of sober rationality, intelligent thought, and maturity. I guess the KKKs David Duke is in good compony over there with Ahmenajad.
    Last edited by singern; 03-14-2007 at 02:15 PM.

  2. #2
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    You have to understand the rules in the middle east, its ok for them to make fun of everyone and make tv shows and newspaper comics and drawings about anything they want, BUT dont you dare try the same towards them!!!
    Afterall they are the ones with the right religeon and all!!!

  3. #3
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    recent history agrees with you but,

    I on the other hand dont give a flying squirrel what offends the bitches any more, There is no longer any subject sensitive to Iran or Islam which I find off limits, after Ahmenajad and his godless paymasters had the ignorant audacity to stage the "Holocaust deniers convention".
    Last edited by singern; 03-15-2007 at 09:05 AM.

  4. #4
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    this is kind of silly. for one okay i will give them that the 300 is an oft-cited example of western supremecy, and i don't think any government that asked citizens to commit suicide for it is a good one, but shit it actually happened, and sparta wa one of the most stable states ever to exist so i find it very interesting. i can't wait to see the movie. it looks very stylized. whateves is a movie and from herodotus and those guys it seems like they really did find the persians at that time pretty asiatic and corrupt.

  5. #5
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    this is kind of silly. for one okay i will give them that the 300 is an oft-cited example of western supremecy, and i don't think any government that asked citizens to commit suicide for it is a good one, but shit it actually happened, and sparta wa one of the most stable states ever to exist so i find it very interesting. i can't wait to see the movie. it looks very stylized. whateves is a movie and from herodotus and those guys it seems like they really did find the persians at that time pretty asiatic and corrupt.
    Its just a movie. Just entertainment......The Islamic world needs to take a deep breath and understand that every time they do shit like this it lowers them in the world eye more and more. If its burning Europe over cartoons of Mohammed, or Putting out hit contracts on anyone who disagrees with Islam.

    We are going to see the film tonight.

  6. #6
    Mus505 is offline New Member
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    i dont think they should argue cuz old persions were pretty barbaric in those days...

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