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  1. #1
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    9/11 Revisted...

    Has anyone seen that movie? I just watched it out of bordum at work and unfortunately alot of the points make sense.
    What facts are out there that DISPROVE the fact explosive blew up the buildings and it was purely due to planes hitting the towers?

    Johan I'm ***ending on you bro!

  2. #2
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    and Logan!

  3. #3
    RamyGras is offline Associate Member
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    I haven't seen this movie. Are you sure it's called 9/11 Revisited? Because, I haven't as much as heard of this film.

  4. #4
    juicedOUTbrain's Avatar
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    Theres no proof that explosives didnt blow up the buildings, but there is no proof that they did either...Its hard to proove a negative.

    A good friend of mine is stationed at fort meyers DC and watched a plane fly into the pentagon, so thats that for me...

    Ive always wondered about WTC 7 though?!?!

    Im definitly not convinced, but I have a lot of questions...

    Heres a better video on the subject: No missiles into the pentagon bullshit, or explosives in the towers...Just the events leading up to 9-11 and the governments response, or lack of response to the threat...Everybodys Gotta Learn Sometime
    Those loose change videos are retarded misinformation, and have absolutely nothing to do with why I suspect there may be something we dont know about that day...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 04-28-2007 at 09:25 AM.

  5. #5
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RamyGras
    I haven't seen this movie. Are you sure it's called 9/11 Revisited? Because, I haven't as much as heard of this film.

  6. #6
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    i was always one to never to buy into that left sided propaganda. but after thinking about how the WTC 7 banking building IMPLODED due to debbree hitting it...come on...

  7. #7
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    Theres no proof that explosives didnt blow up the buildings, but there is no proof that they did either...Its hard to proove a negative.

    A good friend of mine is stationed at fort meyers DC and watched a plane fly into the pentagon, so thats that for me...

    Ive always wondered about WTC 7 though?!?!

    Im definitly not convinced, but I have a lot of questions...

    Heres a better video on the subject: No missiles into the pentagon bullshit, or explosives in the towers...Just the events leading up to 9-11 and the governments response, or lack of response to the threat...

    Those loose change videos are retarded misinformation, and have absolutely nothing to do with why I suspect there may be something we dont know about that day...
    ask him where in the hell did the plane go?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    ask him where in the hell did the plane go?
    There are anomolies that can explain 99.9% of the "evidence" in those 9-11 conspiracy videos...An aluminum plane hitting a steel and concrete reinforced building at 600+ MPH, are you surprised the plane was ripped to shreds?Although they were small pieces plenty of debris WAS found at the site...

    WTC 7 is definitly fishy to me...Ive read all the sites explaining the collapse away, and i still think something is up...It tok the NIST almost 4 years to release their final report on why that building fell and many structural engineers who have reviewe it say its pure BS...

    I look at those PNAC docs, the hundreds of coincidences, and WTC 7 and I cant help but think there is SOMETHING we dont know. The Fact that Bush didnt want a 9-11 commission and then refused to tesitfy to it, is something else to think about

    check out this video:

    Everybodys Gotta Learn Sometime
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 04-28-2007 at 09:27 AM.

  9. #9
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    Theres no proof that explosives didnt blow up the buildings, but there is no proof that they did either...Its hard to proove a negative.

    A good friend of mine is stationed at fort meyers DC and watched a plane fly into the pentagon, so thats that for me...

    Ive always wondered about WTC 7 though?!?!
    Here's some proof

  10. #10
    juicedOUTbrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    What facts are out there that DISPROVE the fact explosive blew up the buildings and it was purely due to planes hitting the towers?

    Johan I'm ***ending on you bro!
    A plane going into the building doesnt PROVE that explosives didnt do it buddy...Its impossible to prove a negative...

    Why would you ask a question and then refute it when someone agrees? Like I said you cant prove what was in the building either way, the buildings arent there anymore...

    I dont give a shit what took down the towers...We have a president that financially benefitted off of the attacks of 9-11 and thats enough for me to want him out of office...done

  11. #11
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    yeah... BUCK FUSH!

  12. #12
    gigem's Avatar
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    i usualyy dont get involved in politics but if you dont vote dont bith if clinton wasnt such a puss and handled up on the yemen and the first attempt on the trade center maybe it wouldnt have happened if you dontlike bush move the afganistan or whatever since we love them so much gigem bush

  13. #13
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Has anyone seen that movie? I just watched it out of bordum at work and unfortunately alot of the points make sense.
    What facts are out there that DISPROVE the fact explosive blew up the buildings and it was purely due to planes hitting the towers?

    Johan I'm ***ending on you bro!
    Ever seen the preparation they do before they take down a building by explosives? They drill holes in hundrades of different places, place explosives everywhere and there are cables and wire everywhere.

    I dont se how it would be possible to sneak in explosives and plant them at the right places without anyone noticing.

    But I guess the bottomline is that the official explanation seems to be satisfying for the worlds structural engineers, fire engineers, architects and other people that should know stuff like that. If the explanation was obviously flawed those people would say so and it would not be just a handfull of them it would be hundrads or thousands of them.

  14. #14
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    yeah i dont believe the propaganda it happened and america isnt the country we use to be when pearl harbor was raided was that a ploy for the pres to declare war? dont think so they attacked us bush handled up everyone wanted justice well bush is still at it trying to put an end to terrorrism not just payback but in good of the world we voted for hi twice and the same people were crying then i say leave him alone let him finish what he started and put another pres in there willing to do the same guilianni is right plain and simple

  15. #15
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    good point Johan

  16. #16
    Lexed's Avatar
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    ive seen the vid. the pentagon is what got me most the way there was no wings left. There was also no sign of wings hitting the pentagon so the indent was only circular. There was also the taking of ever video tape around the whole block. Which one hotel if they had not taken(secert service) would have been able to see exactly what hit the pentagon.

  17. #17
    juicedOUTbrain's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    I dont se how it would be possible to sneak in explosives and plant them at the right places without anyone noticing.
    How about this WTC Employee talks about "unpresidented power-downs before 9-11".

    Look Into who was the CEO of Stratesec (the security company securing the WTC complex)...Clue: GWs younger brother Marvin Bush and his cousin Wirt Walker III...

    Not saying that these things are evidence, but there are reasons people believe these things...funny coincidences, IMO

    Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    But I guess the bottomline is that the official explanation seems to be satisfying for the worlds structural engineers, fire engineers, architects and other people that should know stuff like that. If the explanation was obviously flawed those people would say so and it would not be just a handfull of them it would be hundrads or thousands of thm.
    Most structural engineers couldnt imagine government officials attacking their own country either, so Id say they are starting with a sort of bias, are they not?

    And the feild is not as unified as you may think. There are many engineers and physicists that do believe something is wrong. Look at the 9-11 scholars for truth...Or Frank DeMartini, who designed the WTC complex, has stated the buildings were designed to take multiple jet impacts "fully loaded"...

    So again, im not convinced that there is some sort of conspiracy, but there are reasons people believe things...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 04-28-2007 at 05:29 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    i usualyy dont get involved in politics but if you dont vote dont bith if clinton wasnt such a puss and handled up on the yemen and the first attempt on the trade center maybe it wouldnt have happened if you dontlike bush move the afganistan or whatever since we love them so much gigem bush
    After deciphering your almost unreadable post, I have only this to say:

    How about I stay right here complain about how corrupt the leadership is...Why dont you move to North Korea if you think people shouldnt have the right to dissent against corrupt government? This is a democracy isnt it?

    That was one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 04-28-2007 at 05:23 PM.

  19. #19
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    yeah i dont believe the propaganda it happened and america isnt the country we use to be when pearl harbor was raided was that a ploy for the pres to declare war? dont think so they attacked us bush handled up everyone wanted justice well bush is still at it trying to put an end to terrorrism not just payback but in good of the world we voted for hi twice and the same people were crying then i say leave him alone let him finish what he started and put another pres in there willing to do the same guilianni is right plain and simple
    yeah... except for the fact that Pearl Harbor parallels 9/11 due to the fact that Roosevelt KNEW of the impending Japanese attack yet did not stop it, just as I believe Bush knew and let it happen so he had a reason for the wars.
    This last one ^ is especially intriguing
    Last edited by Superhuman; 04-28-2007 at 06:54 PM.

  20. #20
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    i love the USA ill stand behind BUSH if he wants to wipe out terrorist! im not going to fall into propaganda B.S. The stupidest thing ive ever seen is the american people even considering our govt has anything to do with it. i do feel the democrats running this country prior to bush let alot of shit slide that they shouldnt have! the terrorist have been planning shit a long time i bet half the people bithching and moaning didnt even vote!I guess we could just sit back and let people run over us but oh yeah we wouldnt be the free country that our forefathers fought so hard for. i guess im just tired of hearing about bush this and bush that i didnt know him and osama were in cahoots

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    i love the USA ill stand behind BUSH if he wants to wipe out terrorist! im not going to fall into propaganda B.S. The stupidest thing ive ever seen is the american people even considering our govt has anything to do with it. i do feel the democrats running this country prior to bush let alot of shit slide that they shouldnt have! the terrorist have been planning shit a long time i bet half the people bithching and moaning didnt even vote!I guess we could just sit back and let people run over us but oh yeah we wouldnt be the free country that our forefathers fought so hard for. i guess im just tired of hearing about bush this and bush that i didnt know him and osama were in cahoots
    Bush loves people like you

  22. #22
    RamyGras is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    i love the USA ill stand behind BUSH if he wants to wipe out terrorist! im not going to fall into propaganda B.S. The stupidest thing ive ever seen is the american people even considering our govt has anything to do with it. i do feel the democrats running this country prior to bush let alot of shit slide that they shouldnt have! the terrorist have been planning shit a long time i bet half the people bithching and moaning didnt even vote!I guess we could just sit back and let people run over us but oh yeah we wouldnt be the free country that our forefathers fought so hard for. i guess im just tired of hearing about bush this and bush that i didnt know him and osama were in cahoots

    Explain please. And, I'm asking gigem, not anybody else. Because I'm smelling B.S., and I don't think this person has any idea what they're talking about.

  23. #23
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    im talking about bush knowing shit was going to happen. it happened he reponded backed by damn near the whole country. how soon we forget why were there. i bet you flew the flag talking lets go kick some ass now people are crying bring them back. i feel for the families who have lost loved ones ive lost a couple friends but what about the thousands upon thousands who have given their lives for our freedom and this country. Back your president we put him there

  24. #24
    RamyGras is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Here's some proof

    Why start a thread questioning what happened on 9/11, and then direct people to a site that is full of conspiracy theories, and then the moment you succeed in putting crap in their heads, you turn the tables and try to prove them wrong? That makes very, very little sense to me. Anyway, I don't bother getting into the whole conspiracy 9/11 garbage. There were 19 terrorists on the plane that fully intended on doing what they did. I don't care if the gov't helped bring down a building or not. Nobody died in the WTC 7, so if they wanted to get rid of it, screw it, who cares.

    For what it's worth, the new plans they have for the new Freedom Tower, and adjacent buildings is a spectacular sight. Visually, it puts the old buildings to shame. It's simply remarkable. Check it out!

  25. #25
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    i didnt start this thread by the way i think its all garbage

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    im talking about bush knowing shit was going to happen. it happened he reponded backed by damn near the whole country. how soon we forget why were there. i bet you flew the flag talking lets go kick some ass now people are crying bring them back. i feel for the families who have lost loved ones ive lost a couple friends but what about the thousands upon thousands who have given their lives for our freedom and this country. Back your president we put him there
    I didn't put him there... I am very conservative but I did not vot. It's like Douche vs Turd Sandwich, both candidates sucked. This 2-party system needs to go.

    Not everybody rallied to go to war... in case you don't ****ing remember, there were THOUSANDS of Anti-War Protests throughout the country. Even those who initially supported the war regret it now after realizing what kind-of administration we have running this country.

  27. #27
    RamyGras is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    im talking about bush knowing shit was going to happen. it happened he reponded backed by damn near the whole country. how soon we forget why were there. i bet you flew the flag talking lets go kick some ass now people are crying bring them back. i feel for the families who have lost loved ones ive lost a couple friends but what about the thousands upon thousands who have given their lives for our freedom and this country. Back your president we put him there

    Well, I, for one, have never bought into blaming Bush or the administration for 9/11. There was no real way of them having seen it coming. If they had, they would've stopped it. I'm not going to blame our president for that day. And his military response, in Afghanistan, was great. However, I did not "fly" the flag and talk about kicking ass. And, since none of the hijackers were Iraqi and since our invasion of Iraq was supposed to be due to WMD, and not 9/11, I was not a supporter. By that, I mean I wasn't a supporter of the war. And since, I didn't vote for Bush, "I" didn't put him there. You did. However, I support our president, no matter who it is. I just hope the decisions he makes in his final two years, don't put us further in a hole than we already are.

    But, please answer my initial question. I'm very curious.

  28. #28
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    your initial question of why start a thread and then try to disprove it? like i said i didnt start this thread scroll up to #1 post

  29. #29
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    I gotta feeling this thread will be closed pretty soon

  30. #30
    RamyGras is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    i love the USA ill stand behind BUSH if he wants to wipe out terrorist! im not going to fall into propaganda B.S. The stupidest thing ive ever seen is the american people even considering our govt has anything to do with it. i do feel the democrats running this country prior to bush let alot of shit slide that they shouldnt have! the terrorist have been planning shit a long time i bet half the people bithching and moaning didnt even vote!I guess we could just sit back and let people run over us but oh yeah we wouldnt be the free country that our forefathers fought so hard for. i guess im just tired of hearing about bush this and bush that i didnt know him and osama were in cahoots

    My request was for you to explain this comment. The other question wasn't directed toward you, as I didn't quote you on that post. What did the Clinton administration let slide?

  31. #31
    RamyGras is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    I gotta feeling this thread will be closed pretty soon

    Well, technically, this wasn't a news story. But, still, I can't see why they would close this thread. It's a discussion forum. We're discussing.

  32. #32
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    agreed everyone is entitled to their opinions besided we werent name calling.yet lol

  33. #33
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Any controlled demolition i have ever seen the bottom explodes and the building collapses into it. both of the towers fell from the top. Tower 7 did collapse at the bottom. Also I have never seen a video of a building collapsing on its own. I mean the weight of it has to fall pretty much straight down. i cant imagine it leaning over.

  34. #34
    juicedOUTbrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    im not going to fall into propaganda B.S.

    There's Bushs 33%... Bottom line, there are more islamic extremists today than there were on 9-11, world opinion of the US is at an all time low, and we are stuck in an unwinnable war with hundreds of thousands of people now dead. For what gigem? Do you really think we are any safer?

    I would argue we are in more danger due to our porous borders, the growing resntment towards us around the world, and thinly stretched military.

    If you really dont believe that the neo-conservative war hawks wanted the 9-11 attacks in order to pursue their agenda, then i suggest you start with this:

    PNAC: Rebuilding Americas Defences
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 04-28-2007 at 10:05 PM.

  35. #35
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    i was referring to the yemen and the trade center bombing during their admin. you dont think they didnt realize who done them? i cant say if were any safer today than we were at any other point but i do know this if i had a yard full of fireants destroying my yard even i know its damn near impossible to get them all but bet your ass im going to keep putting poison on those mounds and do my best. this discussion is unwinnable on either side but i know this much those terrorist killed alot of innocent people and i say we stay over there and whipe out all we can and where is ole saddam these days?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    i was referring to the yemen and the trade center bombing during their admin. you dont think they didnt realize who done them? i cant say if were any safer today than we were at any other point but i do know this if i had a yard full of fireants destroying my yard even i know its damn near impossible to get them all but bet your ass im going to keep putting poison on those mounds and do my best. this discussion is unwinnable on either side but i know this much those terrorist killed alot of innocent people and i say we stay over there and whipe out all we can and where is ole saddam these days?
    where is osama? He is the one that did it and you have heard his name mentioned in months

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    where is osama? He is the one that did it and you have heard his name mentioned in months
    Pakistan and thats where r troops should be and where I should be!

  38. #38
    juicedOUTbrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigem
    i do know this if i had a yard full of fireants destroying my yard even i know its damn near impossible to get them all but bet your ass im going to keep putting poison on those mounds and do my best.
    If you want to make parallels, I'd say a better one would be a poking a bee hive with a stick because you get stung every once in a while

    those terrorist killed alot of innocent people and i say we stay over there and whipe out all we can and where is ole saddam these days
    Many innocent people have died on both sides my friend...And many muslims way before 9-11.

    Your right noone going to convince anyone of anything, so ill bow out now before this turns into a shit fest.

  39. #39
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    yeah i agree we all have our opinions and thats why in my first post i said i dont usually get involved in these discussions. i personally dont take any of it personal guess ive just become tired of it all. hopefully i havent offended anyone but i feel how i feel and i respect everyone elses opinion

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