12-17-2007, 10:07 PM #1
SF Considers a Tax on Sugary Drinks
Those of you who think that Liberalism equates to tolerance need to look at the on-going bills that the city of san francisco is inacting. This gov't thinks that it has the right to mandate anything. They are not going to take your choices away, but they sure as hell are going to tax you for the choices you make.
SF Considers a Tax on Sugary Drinks
For years, the idea of taxing soda to beat back obesity has been tossed around in medical circles. But now, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is proposing a tax on beverages high in fructose corn syrup.
Newsom says obesity accounts for tens of millions of dollars in city health care costs. He cites a recent San Francisco Health Department survey that found nearly a quarter of the city's 5th, 7th and 9th graders were overweight and that high sugar drinks make up a tenth of a kid's daily calorie count.
Newsom reportedly wants all big box retailers and chain drug stores to pay into his new "Shape up San Francisco" program, which started this past summer with a walking regimen.
This comes as the state of California is considering slapping caffeine-infused sodas, and energy drinks with warning labels, saying consumption can contribute to diabetes.
12-17-2007, 10:55 PM #2
interesting, so this tax will go to thier Shape up program? Just about everything sold could be considered a "sugery" drink though. Hell, even OJ has quite a bit of simple sugers, would that be taxed too? Many fruit juices do and so do some ice teas and those are generally thought to be "good for you." I don't see how they would be able to tax some drinks and not others.
12-18-2007, 01:18 PM #3
Hell yes, tax'em an additional $5.00 per 16 oz., just like cigs. Also put a BIG tax on all meats...the higher the fat content, the higher the tax....put a BIG tax on all processed food...Big liberal govn't is there to protect each and every one of us and be our mommies. Place a special tax on all publications not towing the secular-progressive line...after all...can't have people reading material that does not promote "right thinking".
Hooo Yahhhh....more government is the answer....vote democrat.
12-18-2007, 01:21 PM #4
Whats the problem?
All junk food, fast food and tobbaco is taxed here... and I think it's only fitting... it's the cause of most health care problems, so it should help to pay for that healthcare.
12-18-2007, 01:29 PM #5
Do you know there is a law stating that it is illegal to walk down the streets of SF if you are considered ugly? True stuff...
12-19-2007, 07:54 AM #6
12-19-2007, 04:54 PM #7
12-19-2007, 10:34 PM #8
I like the law but it's a slippery slope. Also I hate to give the government more money, it's not like they will spend it on anything productive.
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