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  1. #81
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Oh well, as far as this issue is concerned. It was originally about the Berkley city council and wanting to tell the Marines they were not welcomed there. It turned into a debate about gays in the military. I have no problem with gays in the military personally, and I recognize the point that Tock is trying to make, if they are good men and want to serve our country, protect our freedoms and our inalienable rights, then I have respect for them regardless of their sexual, religious, ethnic orientations. It matters not to me if the guy defending my rights like dudes or chicks.

    As far as the Berkley city council is concerned, if they recieve Federal money they dont have much ground to stand on as far as asking the Marines to leave. There are much more effective and less offensive ways to get your message out that you dont agree with discriminatory legislation, like lobbying, or running for office to make a change. So I would say the Berkley city councils underlying intentions are good, but this is not the appropriate way to approach this at all.

  2. #82
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    As far as the Berkley city council is concerned, if they recieve Federal money they dont have much ground to stand on as far as asking the Marines to leave. There are much more effective and less offensive ways to get your message out that you dont agree with discriminatory legislation, like lobbying, or running for office to make a change. So I would say the Berkley city councils underlying intentions are good, but this is not the appropriate way to approach this at all.
    ^^^This part is very well put.

    There will always be disagreement how you handle opposing views is the most important part. Harassening the marines that do not make the laws is the wrong way! It's tantamount to killing the messanger.

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