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  1. #1
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    >Good Luck< 's Log Book

    Goal: Decrease fat deposits particularly around the abdomen and lower overall body fat percentage.

    Plan of action: Implement cardio twice per week, implement core exercise twice per week, clean up diet.

    This log is for me to have a solid place of reference as I continue to improve my overall health and reach my short term goals. I plan to continuously achieve my short term goals and immediately place new goals to maintain productivity. If you are interested in my plan prior to this, you can find my last log titled " The dreaded dirty bulk "...title explains a lot

    Stats: 26yo, 5'7" (no change...shocking), 168lbs, bf~14%

    I will be posting my complete diet within a few days, as I am putting it to paper slowly but surely. I would also like to track my workouts here as I like having it all in one place. I was thinking spreadsheet so I don't have to keep typing out exercises when tracking progress...



  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Sounds good mate, always good to track your progress and have a place to refer back to, interested to see how you go.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Sounds good mate, always good to track your progress and have a place to refer back to, interested to see how you go.
    Good luck
    Thanks auswest!!

    Fighting off food poisoning right now but will update/ start this off asap

  4. #4
    Rusty11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Thanks auswest!!

    Fighting off food poisoning right now but will update/ start this off asap
    Well, that sux. Got that once from Taco Bell. Worst night ever. Never again.

    Anyway, I'm twice your age, but same short term goals. I'll be reading with interest. Heal up and good luck, Good Luck!

  5. #5
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Today I am finished re-priming myself for a new phase of fitness progress. I have just recovered from food poisoning a which time I suffered severe dehydration and some weigh and energy loss. I'm back up to 165lbs and feeling well enough to begin training again. I am working to improve my diet daily.

    Monday's exercise plan: work chest with cardio 4pm-545pm


    530- ego's with pb and milk
    9- cheerios, milk, yogurt, pistachios
    12- beef on baguette, salad, oj
    Ppwo 3- banana , oj
    Pwo 6- chicken, salad, broccoli & water
    9pm- protein shake with milk

    Total- 3080 cals
    175 pro 330 carb 108 fat

    Please feel free to judge me.. Though I listen to all feedback, not all suggestions will be utilized. Please do not be offended, we can still be friends.

  6. #6
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Despite major flooding in my house last night, and wrestling to ger my harley raised out of the water...and my tools as far away from the garage floor as possible- I made 100% of my intended diet and training plan for yesterday.

    Today I will be destroying the muscle fibers of my legs. Also eating very similar to yesterday.

    After that I got a lot of flood damage to take care of

  7. #7
    kronik420's Avatar
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    flood sounds bad...

    14% sounds skinny as already....too me it is anyways.. lol.. what's your goal?

    Good Luck

  8. #8
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    flood sounds bad...

    14% sounds skinny as already....too me it is anyways.. lol.. what's your goal?

    Good Luck
    Goal is to get to a solid 11-12% at 175. Its going to take some time as adding mass is hard for me and loosing weight is no problem

  9. #9
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Tuesday July 9th

    Legs day!!

    Squat 5x5 - first two warm up last three @250lbs

    Front squat mechine 5x10 - first two warm up last three @360lbs

    Lying leg curls 1x100 @40lbs

    Single leg extensions x10 @80lbs

    Not an impressive leg day, I know! To be completely honest, I'm glad I made it to the gym with all that's going on.. either way, my legs are cooked and I have lots of room for progress. STAY POSITIVE ALWAYS!! I'm battling with temptation to get back on the test but I know it hasn't been long enough since pct. Or has it???? Nope because I still have extreme arm and shoulder acne from the last cycle/pct

    Curse you, stash of test nestled in my closet- taunting me at every waking moment~~~curse you!


  10. #10
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Tuesday July 9th

    Legs day!!

    Squat 5x5 - first two warm up last three @250lbs

    Front squat mechine 5x10 - first two warm up last three @360lbs

    Lying leg curls 1x100 @40lbs

    Single leg extensions x10 @80lbs

    Not an impressive leg day, I know! To be completely honest, I'm glad I made it to the gym with all that's going on.. either way, my legs are cooked and I have lots of room for progress. STAY POSITIVE ALWAYS!! I'm battling with temptation to get back on the test but I know it hasn't been long enough since pct. Or has it???? Nope because I still have extreme arm and shoulder acne from the last cycle/pct

    Curse you, stash of test nestled in my closet- taunting me at every waking moment~~~curse you!

    i got that exact same problem lol...

    waiting til 1st of August before i hit the juice again..

  11. #11
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Wondering why, if losing fat is a primary goal, you're only doing cardio twice weekly?

    Is that all you have time for, or are there other reasons?

  12. #12
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Wondering why, if losing fat is a primary goal, you're only doing cardio twice weekly?

    Is that all you have time for, or are there other reasons?
    I suppose I can add more, I'm just learning how to lose fat lol. I figured 2x weekly was a good start since I completely neglected cardio since...birth....

  13. #13
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    Thursday july 11- killed shoulders. Still weak. Only military press 135x6 for heavy lift...not good for the ego when a few weeks ago I was pressing much more. Nothing impressing lately.

    Friday was back. Also not impressed... pulled 365x2 ugly ugly reps. Failed on 3rd. Rep.

    Saturday arms. Some decent skull crushers amd some ok preacher curls. No pr's or anything. I may not be recovering well after pct because strength is very low and energy sucks. Also recovery is getting longer and longer.

    Trying to stay focused and motivated

  14. #14
    Cuz's Avatar
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    135 x 6 Is damn good at only 160's lb, if you mp your bodyweight you should be happy.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    135 x 6 Is damn good at only 160's lb, if you mp your bodyweight you should be happy.
    Thanks chadcuz! I've recently been upwards of 155 for mp and it always stings a little to go down. Thanks for stopping by

  16. #16
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    Huge family gathering today so I ate like shit and feel like shit.

    Experiencing strength losses is making me think more about my hpta. Perhaps it hasn't restarted fully yet. Any options? ? More pct? Blood work is expensive... hcg blast? ? Maybe just wait??

    Oh yea, I've decided to bite the bullet and go for some Accutane! Will my doctor get suspicious of aas if I ask for it. Pretty ba acne on back and shoulders and triceps.. pretty suggestive imo

  17. #17
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Today was legs day. Went a little to deep when I was squatting and may have reminded my knee it has some sort of injury...blast these knees

  18. #18
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75
    Wondering why, if losing fat is a primary goal, you're only doing cardio twice weekly?

    Is that all you have time for, or are there other reasons?
    Maybe Good luck doesn't want to be a cardio bunny like me. LOL.

    Would u be suggesting a minimal of 3 for GL goals?

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