Over the last year I have gotten back into my regular workout mode after taking about a full year to year and a half off. I have gotten my self back into shape. years ago I was a national Level BB.

Over this last year I had started a small cycle of 250mg of Sustanon and 300 Mg of Decca. When I completed that cycle I soon afterward started a cycle of 500 mg. of sust and 300 mg of decc. 40mg per day of Var, 20mg of Nova and included 40mg of D-Ball, 4IU per day of BlueTop HGH ...The results were outstanding.

The problem that occurred soon afterward was this. I ran out of Blue Tops after two kits and aquired IP Yellow Top HGH. My cycle was also coming to an end.

What happen next really pissed me off. I was still maintaining my test shot one every ten days to keep levels up but I began to loose the "Quality" shape I had gotten from the Blue Tops. I also noticed that I was getting none of the sides I was getting from the blue tops. A week or two later I began to get a small bump under my nipple and I was looking smoother then I did. I realised that I would smooth out a bit without the other compounds but I am left to wonder if these IP Yellow Top are bogus HCG vials packaged as HGH. I question it because my muscles were extremely full on the Blue Tops.

Im writing this to let you guys be aware. I been doing this a very long time and I know my products and how my body reacts to them. Anyway...Im currently looking around for more Blue tops ..They were Phenomenal. Hope fully I can gain back that look I had