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  1. #1
    fiercefun is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010

    new and old at the same time...

    hi all ... i am new to the forum and yet not new to steroids ...however i havent done anything in about 10 years... i used to get great results.. although not a bodybuilder.. i am now turning forty and getting married.. i have let it go a little and would like to get back some of the old glory but have become afraid of my own mortality for reasons unknown to me... i think because of the lack of testosterone in my system as i have been aging... anyway i intend to do two cycles in the next year and want to know if anyone can recommen safe cycles first for muscle gain without crazy water weight and the second for anabolic gains and leaning out prior to my trip.. i used to take test enanthate and dbols.. but dont know that i woudl do them at this age.. have never tried deca durabolin but have heard great things other then erectile issues... have never really gotten what others did from winny either.. but maybe that is the way to go.. i am 6ft 5 and weight 270lb i am a couple months of cardio away from being lean enough to hit the beach but would really like to look less then my age for the wedding photo album and truthfully if i works out i would like to keep it as part of my regiment of aging with all my faculties.... i never really have felt as well as i did when i was cycling for nearly 13 years... i have no health issues and have a friend who is a doc and is willing to monitor all aspects.. sorry so long just really giving this alot of thought and need your expertise.. thanks in advance..

  2. #2
    fiercefun is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010
    sorry i didnt know this was for competitive bodybuilders... i will try somewhere else on the forum...

  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    This part of the forum isn't for competitive BB's bro.

    Regarding your question... k well basically if you're going to cycle I would recommend cutting weight first. You want to get your BF a little lower then it is right now before cycling.. (as it can lead to estrogen/gyno problems.)

    IMO, you could get some clenbuterol for now, and use it to cut some weight. Start at 40mcg ED and ramp it up to ~100mcg or whatever you can tolerate. Make sure you're keeping hydrated and doing plenty of cardio in this period.

    After that you could look into a simple cycle... perhaps:

    Test-E (weeks 1 - 12) @ 400mg (200mg x 2 per week)
    T3 (weeks 1 -14) @ 50mcg
    Arimidex (weeks 1 - 14) @ 0.25mg every other day
    Clomid (weeks 15 - 19) @ 100/50/50/25mg
    Nolvadex (weeks 15 - 19) @ 40/20/20/20mg

  4. #4
    fiercefun is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010
    hey thanks for the reply.. i have had my glands removed... actually got gyno on purpose years ago to get them removed so as to not have to worry about them...i know that sounds jacked up but i was young and it was free.... i have been a very simple cycle guy all along... i did get into the heavier doses... well heavier for me... i never took more then 250 to 500 mgs of test..or sustenon...but went heavier on the dbol ... up to 10 a day..and drank while on them... young and dumb... i guess that goes to show how they are not the killer people make them out to be... i have tried clem but with little success..... and makes me anxious and jittery but i guess that is the price.... i will look into the other drugs and i really appreciate you taking the time to answer.... in your opinion it is no more dangerous for someone 40 to take this as it is for someone 20... just want to be sure i have crossed all my t's and dotted my I's before i begin... god it would be nice to go back to the day when i would take what ever and when ever... felt immortal...i think you are right about the weight loss i just remember losing so much fat when i started the test... hope it is the same.... one last thing... do you have any idea at what dose dose hair fly out of your head... i have been lucky so far but am very slowly thinning and dont want to lose it all in one year... just if you know.. thanks again man i appreciate it....

  5. #5
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    No problem bro (but yo, when you write try breaking up the thoughts into paragraphs! lol. your posts are hard to follow because they are quite long ) ha..

    Anyways... that's good you've got your glands removed. Lucky, lol. It's not more dangerous, it just might be a little harder to recover post cycle then it was when you were 20. (the older you get the harder it is to recover your HPTA)..

    If you can't handle clen then thats fine... Unfortunately those symptoms you described are the most prevalent side-effects of clen.

    I wouldn't recommend taking T3 unless you're on cycle, as T3 is indiscriminate in what it burns (IE) it will burn both muscle and fat...

    Basically, I would recommend you cut down a little fat... (do cardio x 2 per day, empty stomach, and at night) and maybe go to the doctor to get your cholesterol checked, and blood-pressure etc..

    Anyways, I'm out for the night... good luck w/ your cycle bro.. keep us updated, and take some pics.

    You can PM me if you have further issues. peaceee

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