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  1. #1
    rocheey's Avatar
    rocheey is offline Junior Member
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    Ready to .. start getting ready ?

    50 yrs old, 5'10", 210 lbs, 15% bf, workout 30 years, body building serious last year or two.

    Well, just found out that Im knocked down to part-time hours, for the summer.
    The good news is that now I'll have time to devote to bulking up correctly - work out when I want, sleep as much as I want, etc...

    The bad news is that it looks like Ill be eating less Delmonico steaks, and a lot more flank steaks (More time, less cash)

    I know I gotta get the diet dialed in before I start my first cycle, and Ive been keeping a 5000+ (crappy) diet, but now I gotta tweak the diet with less ... "resources".. any help here would be welcome.

    (I can usually eat -everything- and not gain a pound, even eating 3500+ calories didnt put a pound on me)

    And for losing my cherry - first cycle - Im looking to gain LEAN, keepable mass. Id rather end up not as big, and without worrying about the bloat.

    Im assuming a test cycle, but again, the bloat, and the rollercoaster of weight gain/loss would flag my company to test me...

  2. #2
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    Why would you company test you for gaining weight? That happens to a lot of people?

  3. #3
    rocheey's Avatar
    rocheey is offline Junior Member
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    No, but we had a guy last summer, and man, you could tell. The bloat. He was good size already, known in work as a body builder, and then he blew up like a balloon. They tested him.

    So I'd think they'd be sensitive to that now. I mean, I'm in an air-conditioned office, and i actually do wear long sleeve shirts all summer in the office (I guess some customers freak at all my tats) so id be most concerned about the facial bloating.

    FWIW, I've always had 'hard, dry, dense' muscles, always looked ripped, and always looked 20 pounds lighter than I really am. Could always eat everything and never gain (tho 5000+ calories a day for the last 6 months have helped), so Im not sure if that might things easier, or harder, for me..

  4. #4
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    ok, considering this is your first cycle I would not normally recommend this but it is best for minimal bloat.

    I would try a cycle of test prop 6-8 weeks of 75-100mg EOD. You will gain som water weight but much less than Enthanate or Cypionate .

    Drink lots of water daily. And improve your diet. If you can't gain on 3500 cal then you are not eating the right food!

  5. #5
    kaju's Avatar
    kaju is offline Associate Member
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    Most companies (about 99%) do not test for anabolic steroids because it is too expensive and for what reason? Then if they do test for testosterone who are they to say you had too much in your system. some people have naturally high test in there system.. As long as you don't do too much You should be fine. This is supposed to be your first cycle You shouldn't be doing large amounts anyway.
    I would second glovers suggestions. You will be fine in both situations. testing and gaining lean muscle.

  6. #6
    rocheey's Avatar
    rocheey is offline Junior Member
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    I pretty much became immediately aware, as soon as I started posting here, that Im gonna have to dial in the diet. That's being addressed now. And, as for 'not large amounts' of test, Im assuming the standard of 500mg of Test-E, or 100 mg Test Prop <gulp> .. while the Prop sounds good for the results Im looking for, its my first cycle, and Id wanna make sure that weeks down the road, the EOD pins are gonna be a pain in the *ss, literally.

    And as far as bloat/water goes, how much is gonna show on my face ?

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