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Thread: Thicken Up

  1. #1
    powerball52 is offline New Member
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    Thicken Up

    Hey fellas. I'm 40 6'4 and go between 260 at my lightest and 275 at my heaviest through out the year.My body fat runs between 15 and 19 percent. I been running basically two cycles a year for the last 10 years and now I'm on trt so at least I'm on 200mg per week of test cyp/enth throughout the entire year. I always run reasonable cycles and keep dosages to just enough to tighten up and gain a little strength. Example. I'll run 600mg deca in the winter for 10 weeks and the 600mg of eq for 12-15 weeks and var for 6-8 weeks in June and July. I get tight and gain some strength, but I am losing quality and thickness as I age. I want to thicken up again and I think the solution is more test to the equation during the winter. Thoughts? Keep in mind I've probably run 30 cycles since I was 25.

  2. #2
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    I'm 48 and from my experience you will loose the thickness unless you use more test constantly. Unless in your experience 200mg is enough to keep you as thick as you like. Someone with your experience and usage would simply need to try and see. Naturally more test will work but will it last??

  3. #3
    powerball52 is offline New Member
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    Here's the issue actually. I have tried to up the test dosage on a couple occasions and for whatever reasons I don't tolerate it well. The best I did was a run of about 600mg for 5 weeks then I really start to feel soreness in the joints. I was able to avoid the bloat with some aromasin thrown in, but I just don't feel good on high test. I think at this point I'm ready for a blast of 800-1000mg a week if you consider my size and cycle experience, but what about suggestions for cutting back on the sides. I would run deca along with it to help joints, but does anyone have any input on this. I hear guys running outrageous doses of test without suffering horrible sides. What are guys doing to be able to tolerate hefty dosages? Tren is another option too, but at 40 I'm not too keen on putting something that toxic in my system.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I know where you're coming from. I'm 42 and i go through the same thing as you do w/a couple exceptions. One being i'm not on trt and i handle sides relatively well. Unfortunately, as you know, sides are part of the game and hard, if not impossible to avoid. My next bulker this winter will consist of test @ 600mgs, deca @ 600mgs and 60mgs of d-bol for 6 weeks at the beginning. I'm strongly considering throwing in tren w/ the test and deca at some point. I've been running tren for 8 years now and it'sby far my favorite. Great for bulking or cutting. I cut w/it my last cycle w/ the same amazing results.
    In your case, why not use more deca than test? It would help if you brought your bf% down to 12-15 imo. With as many cycles as you have under your belt, tren might be your best answer. Do some research on it.
    What kind of sides are you experiencing w/test?

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    ^^^^Hey, what does ED have to do with anything?

  6. #6
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    glover is offline Associate Member
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    I too would ask "What kind of sides are you experiencing w/test ?" It would seem sore shoulders would be more of a result from the heavy weight rather than Test. Is that the case?

    I myself use the short esters Prop and NPP. While just recently using 200mg Cyp per week between cycles. My sides were negligible up until last cycle were I experience high blood pressure and inability to orgasm (at least I could do it).

  7. #7
    powerball52 is offline New Member
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    I find my tendons and joints seem to act up when I push the test dosage upward even if I keep my weights reasonable. High test makes me feel sluggish also. I have read studies on the influence of high testosterone and reduced collagen production in the joints and have always tried run deca /eq simultaneously with test as they absolutely provide relief for my ailing hinges. Funny you should mention NPP and Prop. I was actually thinking that shorter esters might be better for me as I feel good on test propionate if I run it a little higher. How long and what dosages did you run the Prop and NPP and does NPP stack up well with good old deca in your personal experience?

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    NPP is the short ester version of deca .

  9. #9
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    glover is offline Associate Member
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    I usually run the NPP/Prop for 7 weeks. Using EOD injects and 100-150 Prop with 75-125 NPP. The NPP will help your joints but in my experience not as much as Deca . So try without the deca. Like STPete said above NPP and deca are the same just dif half life. I usually run Var with this cycle but don't anymore made me to strong and I hurt my shoulders.

    Give them a try they may be something you like!

  10. #10
    powerball52 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys it's been a while since my post here in August, but I return with good news. I have experimented with raising testosterone dosages in the last month and I feel pretty damn good. I'm running around 800mg of cypionate and will continue for the next 10 to 12 weeks. Just test and nothing additional and I am def. feeling the thickness return to my muscles. Prior to this I always ran Test E due to availability issues and I gotta tell you that the cyp agrees with my body much more. Don't know if anyone has an explanation, but no sides for this guy other strength in the gym. I'm up about 7 pounds from 263 to 270 and the gains feel solid and not watery. I am throwing in aromasin as needed when I feel tenderness in the nipple area. Never run test at this dosage and I have to admit I like it. Anyone have similar experiences with the different esters affecting differently even though the base is still test?

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