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  1. #1
    40yonoob is offline New Member
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    What kind of results should I expect?

    I've been trying to do as much research as possible into all this. I think I know IF I do something, what I'd do and how to do it. (start with a 10 week test cycle, and then maybe HGH). What I'm not sure about is what kind of results I should expect.

    my stats and background: 40 years old. Previous to two years ago, I did no weight lifting. Two years ago I was 220 lbs 28% body fat (at 6'2"). I worked real hard and after about six months I had cut a lot of fat while adding a little bit of newbie gains muscle and I was about 185 at 14%. Then I started doing bulking and cutting phases. I work pretty hard in the weight room and I've been pretty good with my diet. Only supp's I take are whey to get my protein in and creatine. Right now I'm ending a long cut and I'm about 188 12%. I like being this lean and want to stay this lean long term. The bulking and cutting for the last 9 months or so seems mostly to be a waste of time. I've barely made any progress. I gain fat and muscle together when I bulk and lose them both together when I cut. I've gained about 7 lbs of lean mass the last year and a half, and I would say the rate is slowing down the longer I train.

    If I could gain 10 lbs lean muscle doing a 10 week test cycle and then another 10 lbs lean muscle doing HGH for 10 weeks or whatever the recommendation is, I would probably go for it. But if it's significantly less than that, I don't know if it's worth the hassle and risk.

    What do you all think?

  2. #2
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Personally I think in your case and at your age I would consider doing a cycle...first thing first...have you been to a Dr. for blood work? if not start there and see those results first plan any cycle only after that has been done.


  3. #3
    40yonoob is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjohnson1968 View Post
    Personally I think in your case and at your age I would consider doing a cycle...first thing first...have you been to a Dr. for blood work? if not start there and see those results first plan any cycle only after that has been done.

    Are you saying you would or wouldn't consider a cycle? And what kind of cycle?

    When you say check blood work, I assume you're saying to check current test levels? Good idea, and I think I'll do that. Let's assume test levels and other blood work is normal, then what?

  4. #4
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    One step at a time really at our age you may find your test levels low enough for trt (Dr. prescribed testosterone replacement therapy)

    you may be a candidate and not even know it....If everthing comes back within the normal levels and providing your diet, training and you feel your knowledge of AAS
    is in check and you want to cycle then by all means do so...Blood panel first need to know your baseline before you cycle...

    If and when you decide to move forward hit the Q/A section and learn prior to and learn all you can..If you do so you will know what cycle to do

    hope this helps and good luck


  5. #5
    im83931's Avatar
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    I think a test only cycle is a great starting point. But bjohnson makes a good point about getting bloodwork done. The reason for a baseline is so that after you cycle and you finish pct you can get bloodwork done again and compare your levels to make sure you have recovered completely. I am 37 now and its a lot harder to recover now than when I ran my first cycle. That being said 10lbs with diet in check is probably not unreasonable. The trick is keeping it. And if you dont get pct perfect then you don't stand much of a chance there.

  6. #6
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    I think a test only cycle is a great starting point. But bjohnson makes a good point about getting bloodwork done. The reason for a baseline is so that after you cycle and you finish pct you can get bloodwork done again and compare your levels to make sure you have recovered completely. I am 37 now and its a lot harder to recover now than when I ran my first cycle. That being said 10lbs with diet in check is probably not unreasonable. The trick is keeping it. And if you dont get pct perfect then you don't stand much of a chance there.
    Agreed 10 lbs not a difficult goal to achieve also with the BW his test may be low and not even know it...better when Dr. prescribes than looking for a source

  7. #7
    40yonoob is offline New Member
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    Right, I'm not planning on anything right away, just gathering info. The main thing I want to understand as part of the decision making process is what kind of results are reasonable to expect.

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Agreed that you might want to get your Test levels checked, but plenty of guys don't have low T at 40. The fact that you have made decent gains in the past two years suggests that you are at least doing OK in that department. Blood work aside, I would stick to the starter cycles you see on this forum. Test only, low dose (400-600mg/week).

    At first I disagreed with bjohnson's comment that getting a scrip rather than looking for a source, because you cannot get cycle doses from a legit TRT doctor. But, then I remembered that your goal was around 10 pounds, which would be pretty easy if you have low T and went on TRT. So now I give his comment a big thumbs up. It is only relevant, however, if you have low Test.

  9. #9
    VegasRenegade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Agreed that you might want to get your Test levels checked, but plenty of guys don't have low T at 40. The fact that you have made decent gains in the past two years suggests that you are at least doing OK in that department. Blood work aside, I would stick to the starter cycles you see on this forum. Test only, low dose (400-600mg/week).

    At first I disagreed with bjohnson's comment that getting a scrip rather than looking for a source, because you cannot get cycle doses from a legit TRT doctor. But, then I remembered that your goal was around 10 pounds, which would be pretty easy if you have low T and went on TRT. So now I give his comment a big thumbs up. It is only relevant, however, if you have low Test.
    It Is also not that hard to get a do to over script the Test and save some up each week for a blast script is legal and maybe all paid by insurane

  10. #10
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VegasRenegade View Post
    It Is also not that hard to get a do to over script the Test and save some up each week for a blast script is legal and maybe all paid by insurane
    That's what I'm talking about even getting a trt dose paid by insurance is a help...He also needs a baseline for knowing what his levels are including things like liver, cholesterol etc.

    Your correct in saying many men who are 40 do not have low Test levels... Blood work is the only way to know and is important for many other points as well


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