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  1. #1
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    MY LEGS...(sigh).

    I am a 51 yr old naturally thin (ecotomorph) who loves to workout (and have been for 35yrs now). Just started doing juice about 5 yrs ago and made some decent progress on AAS.

    At 6.3', 210 lbs with 15% bf, i think i'm doing ok for a 51yr old stud.

    However, there's always room for improvement.

    MY LEGS...(sigh). My legs have been a trouble spot for me since i started training. I do Squats, Press, lunges, dead lifts, extensions', leg curls, etc. Never seem to get them to grow and keep up with the rest of my bod. I live in Florida so wearing pants year round and hiding them is out of the question (besides, i like wearing shorts). I've done anywhere from 8-15 sets per week (per quads)...or sometimes if i'm pissed, i'll work legs twice a week (but this is rare). I then work leg bi's for another 6-10 sets per week.

    In addition, I've been doing 200-250 mgs every week of Test Cyp, with some b-12.

    This has served me well over the past 5 yrs...but i'm wondering if i BUMP UP MY DOSAGE to 3-350 mg per week would make a difference?

    What else can i do to get my Leg Muscles to grow and fill out my pants?

    Your constructive input is greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by tcw; 10-31-2011 at 09:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    good question.
    I too have a similar issue. I refer to my legs as "runners legs" and I can get away with it to a certain extent since i was a runner years ago.
    part of the problem is genetics, as you are well aware.

    I've been working my legs hard and getting minimal results for quite awhile. But for some strange reason, the last month I've been putting in an hour on the stationary bike twice a week and my legs are responding. Plus i'm taking anavar , and that could be part of it. But i've taken var before (a very mild aas, oral) and didnt' notice the gains i'm getting now.

    and im up at around 500mg week test cyp (although i'm trt, im blasting right at the moment), but i don't think that is it either.

    everyone is a little different, and sometimes you need to do a little trial and error.

    Having said all this, I'm assuming you are not working legs more than twice a week?

    and you may need to up your caloric intake a bit.

    are you sure you are consuming enough/the right foods?

  3. #3
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    Hey Roman,

    No..i am only working 1 muscle per week....although i will work quads one day...and a few days later....hit the Leg bi's. On the larger muscles i try to do between 12-15 sets per week.

    Skinny legs are a curse. I have seen guys with much bigger legs than me....who don't even work them. I seriously doubt they could keep up with me while working legs.

    I'm consuming about 2-2500 cals a day...and trying to hit the 200 grams of protein per day. I am also trying to keep the calories low to prevent body fat accumulation. I try to eat clean foods, fish, chick, low-fat beef, eggs, some cheese, low-glycemic carbs, lots of vegs, etc.

    Maybe i should bump it to 500 mgs a week....How many weeks are you going to run 500 mgs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    good question.
    I too have a similar issue. I refer to my legs as "runners legs" and I can get away with it to a certain extent since i was a runner years ago.
    part of the problem is genetics, as you are well aware.

    I've been working my legs hard and getting minimal results for quite awhile. But for some strange reason, the last month I've been putting in an hour on the stationary bike twice a week and my legs are responding. Plus i'm taking anavar , and that could be part of it. But i've taken var before (a very mild aas, oral) and didnt' notice the gains i'm getting now.

    and im up at around 500mg week test cyp (although i'm trt, im blasting right at the moment), but i don't think that is it either.

    everyone is a little different, and sometimes you need to do a little trial and error.

    Having said all this, I'm assuming you are not working legs more than twice a week?

    and you may need to up your caloric intake a bit.

    are you sure you are consuming enough/the right foods?

  4. #4
    JOCKSOX is offline New Member
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    I am a rookie here but my 2 cents looks like this:

    1. What levels do your blood test say your T Score is?

    I am 3/4 cc at about 1,000 T level and about 75 free T. Once/wk.

    2. It's your genes that determine your leg issue. I do believe you can train them to max what you can have though.

    3. How do you feel the day or two days after the leg workout? I would try to find the right weight for soreness.

    4. My routine goes to a weigh were I can only do one or two reps, currently 3 plates on squats. I am 48. then drop back down to get your reps in at about 225.

    5. Squats are the way to go but I have found cardio and sumo deadlifting helps a lot too. Get your butt down. Use the squat cage and safety bars.

    6. 1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein/lb of body weight at small doses every three hours.

    7. Protein shake during the last 15 minutes of an hour to 1.5 hour leg workout.

    Good luck and never give up.


  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I agree with Romans comment on the bike.

    While running will train mainly the cardiovasc and calves when biking you need a lot of leg muscle compared to upper body. I used to race road bikes and have a fair amount of experience with different riding syles and the type of muscles that they produce, keep your ass on the saddle and ride in big gears (low crank rpm) If you were in a different state I would tell you to seek out a really steep hill and ride till your butt and thighs give out then get out of the saddle and work your quads in addition to your seated work for the ass and thighs... but this will never work in Fla.

    Instead try some seated sprint intervals. Just ride in a high gear till your ass and thighs start to burn then sprint (IN THE SADDLE) till you are dead. Then ride slow again in the saddle till recovered and repeat. Do this for about a half hour three times a week, the message sent to your legs will be that they are way too small to sustain your body and that they need to grow in comparison to your upper body.

    You can do this in the gym on a seated bike but if you got a few hundred to spend get a used road bike with shoes that clip to the pedals this will give much better results as there is no substitute for inertia.

    In the gym work once or twice a week if doing twice work all the small muscles on day and then work the big ones the other (squats, leg presses) When working legs do extensions, single leg box stepups ( with weight only when you have the quads to support it with form) leg curls, calf raises seated and standing as well as squats, and leg presses. This will ensure that your body gets the clear message that your legs are insufficient at their current size.

  6. #6
    turk1968 is offline Associate Member
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    Ive had a similar problem all my life , i have trained since i was 16 , ran big doses of gear for about 5-6 years from 24-30 , competed 3 times but didnt have the quad size to match my upper body . I loved training legs , tried the leg workouts as per Tom Platz style of training and just struggled to add size. At 28 i decided to give my self two years off competing to up my legs and unfortunately blew my knee out . The only thing i have had success with is with high intensity super sets ( leg extension to leg press to hacks ) keeping at just 5 sets . This is what i do now and it works but i stll havent the legs to match my top half ( Sorry forgot im 50 now )
    Beware as i tried Far from massives riding training , great for increasing pain threasholds and cardio , did put some size on but unfortunalety i fell off and ended up in a ditch by the side of the road !!!!!! Seriously i still bike on a sunday morning as i have found that the combinmation of weights with hard short duration biking does help with my legs and also keeps me fit .Dont give up training legs as many people do as they get older . Best wishes

  7. #7
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    Tcw, I also am 6'3 and wear 35 inch inseams on pants, I look like some weird insect! at our height think of the hypertrophy needed to gain one inch on our thighs! you obviously have put in the work, be proud of that

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