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  1. #1
    newoldguy is offline New Member
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    New Cycle Advice

    I am about to begin my second cycle of TestE and Deca . My last cycle was 1ML/250mg of TestE and about 300mg of Deca weekly. I also worked in Clomid (10mg daily) and HGC (.1 cc 3X per week) during and after the cycle which ended almost 3 months ago. I increased Clomid to 20mg daily for 2 months after the cycle and stayed with the same HCG dose (3X per week) The cycle lasted 12 weeks and I have been off of everything for the past two weeks.

    My new cycle will be about the same as above but I'd like to add some mass. Because I am in my mid 40's, I'd like to try to stack this cycle with something that will help me build some mass with minimal risk. Does anyone have a recommendation? Should I just increase the Test or add a low dose of Winstrol ?

    I do not feel as strong as I did on the cycle (of course) so I could also use advice as to my choice for PCT.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    So you ran Clomid and HCG through cycle and continued for 2 months after cycle? I'm no PCT "expert" but that doesn't sound right at all. I'm interested in other peoples take on this just like you are.
    Why don't you post this in the Q&A for more responses...

  3. #3
    newoldguy is offline New Member
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    Will do. Thanks

  4. #4
    SUPERMAN5039 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newoldguy View Post
    I am about to begin my second cycle of TestE and Deca . My last cycle was 1ML/250mg of TestE and about 300mg of Deca weekly. I also worked in Clomid (10mg daily) and HGC (.1 cc 3X per week) during and after the cycle which ended almost 3 months ago. I increased Clomid to 20mg daily for 2 months after the cycle and stayed with the same HCG dose (3X per week) The cycle lasted 12 weeks and I have been off of everything for the past two weeks.

    My new cycle will be about the same as above but I'd like to add some mass. Because I am in my mid 40's, I'd like to try to stack this cycle with something that will help me build some mass with minimal risk. Does anyone have a recommendation? Should I just increase the Test or add a low dose of Winstrol ?

    I do not feel as strong as I did on the cycle (of course) so I could also use advice as to my choice for PCT.
    The best I found for mass and strength are A-Bombs. (to many sides though) 4 weeks 50 mgs daily. I prefer to run anavar 50 mgs daily. You keep your strength gains and you keep the lean muscle u gain as long as your diet is in check. When I run deca with test I always run more test than deca. 100 mgs of deca only completely surpresses your test. I do 300 mgs test 200 mg deca weekly on a blasting cycle. Some have blasted up to 1000 mgs test weekly but my body responds well to less. I believe Winstrol is for cutting not bulking. Go to the steriod profile page and read.

  5. #5
    newoldguy is offline New Member
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    Thanks Superman5039

  6. #6
    SUPERMAN5039 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newoldguy View Post
    I am about to begin my second cycle of TestE and Deca . My last cycle was 1ML/250mg of TestE and about 300mg of Deca weekly. I also worked in Clomid (10mg daily) and HGC (.1 cc 3X per week) during and after the cycle which ended almost 3 months ago. I increased Clomid to 20mg daily for 2 months after the cycle and stayed with the same HCG dose (3X per week) The cycle lasted 12 weeks and I have been off of everything for the past two weeks.

    My new cycle will be about the same as above but I'd like to add some mass. Because I am in my mid 40's, I'd like to try to stack this cycle with something that will help me build some mass with minimal risk. Does anyone have a recommendation? Should I just increase the Test or add a low dose of Winstrol ?

    I do not feel as strong as I did on the cycle (of course) so I could also use advice as to my choice for PCT.
    Also, if you just came off a cycle you should wait. The rule of thumb is time on time off. Meaning 3 months on 3 months off. That's what I do. Inbetween I'm on trt and just started hrt as I'm the big 50 now and this seems to help me keep my gains, both strength and lean muscle. But if I had to give credit to anything it would be the anavar . I started var in my cycles when I started the trt 2 years ago and so far I've kept all my strengh and lean mass. Becareful of the var as it can amp up ur BP as indicated on other threads by other posters.. However, I'm lucky I guess, as I haven't seen an increase in my BP yet when I"m on var. I'm cycling hgh/petides and test c right now. I plan on being on the hgh for at least 6 months. HGH you can run longer than aas.. Well good luck and read on this site there is a wealth of info on here.

  7. #7
    newoldguy is offline New Member
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    I am going to my regular doc next week for blood work as I prep for my next cycle. I want to see my test and estradol numbers before I do anything. Besides, I have another 3 weeks before my 3 month off cycle is complete.

    Since I still have some time I will continue to read about my other options. Anavar may not be an option for me because I do have a slightly elevated BP already (nothing to worry about now, so my regualr doctor tells me but...). Masteron looks promising and does Equip but need to do lots more reading.

    Again, thanks for your insight. It is much appreciated.

  8. #8
    newoldguy is offline New Member
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    Been doing more reading and I put together the following cycle and would like some feedback from this experienced crew. My plan is as follows:

    1-14, 250mg Test
    1-12, 300mg Deca
    1-4, 30mg Anavar (or should I do this later in the cycle, I've read mixed recommedations. BTW, I realize it's a lower than norm dose but want to see how it affects my BP before upping the dose to 40mg).
    14-16, 20mg Nolva
    12-16, 100iu HCG , 3X per week

    Please criticize or recommend as necessary.


  9. #9
    newoldguy is offline New Member
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    BTW, The 30mg Anavar is daily

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