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  1. #1
    Iwannabod is offline New Member
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    47 and still rockin

    First of all, I did try to do research before posting but could not get the links to open in the "read before posting" area so I apologize ahead of time for any redundant questions. Here is my story. I am 47 and for the most part have been lifting since I was 20. I have never juiced before but have been working nights for the past 5 years building trucks for the US Military. When you factor in the fact I work like a bull, these trucks are designed to withstand bombs that would turn our homes into a pile of sticks, and the fact I am 47 I hope you can understand why I have faltered on my weight training. I now am perfoming a much more cushy day job (same company) and have the opportunity to get back my lost glory.

    Here is what I need/want to do; lose 30 lbs. fat and gain back 20 lbs. of lost muscle. I was thinking about a cycle of Anavar otherwise known as VAR-10 here. What do you think? I have to admit, I am a bit naive so anyone with experience in these matters your comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know some test would also be good but am not considering it. It is not the needles that bother me it is that fact I have to stick them in myself that does. That and the fact it would also require a PCT. I am told Var does not.

    ... and to all my military friends out there.... Hooooo Rahhhh!

  2. #2
    Iwannabod is offline New Member
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    Why no replies? I really could use the advice even if it is painful to hear.

  3. #3
    bikeral's Avatar
    bikeral is offline Life is only stressful if you care!
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    I wish I could answer but I am new myself. I can suggest you post your question in the main steroid page which may get more views than this area for us old guys.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    First, you have to find a solid diet and training regimen to accompany your needs. Losing the weight should be priority #1. There is no "magic" pill in AAS. It's only as good as you treat yourself. And without a solid diet, it's all for not.

    So, let's get to brass tax. Test is indeed your best option. Injecting yourself is pretty easy. And not to sound like a dick, but if you have injection issues, this isn't your game. And what's wrong w/PCT? It's absolutely necessary and a good thing.

  5. #5
    Cravenmorehead is offline Associate Member
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    I've gone through several different compounds and test is best. Lose weight FIRST. I dropped from 213 to 190 before I cycled. You'll have less estrogen issues. Drop weight and get in good condition.......hell......just do pushups pull ups dips etc.......don't even need the weight room.......look at Herschel Walker

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!

    Before considering taking any steroids , I'd seriously suggest going to your doc and asking for a complete blood panel. This will be your "baseline" for future reference. It may turn out that you have low test and a good candidate for TRT. If this turns out to be the case (as is quite often the case for old bulls like us), then get all this dialed in before you do anything else with testosterone . This may be all you need to regain your former "glory". And you will be able to do it with the blessing of the insurance company, which means better analysis and lower cost to you.

    Do this before taking var or anything else. Think of this as an investment in your health and in your future.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I agree with above about getting blood work done. Also agree with getting your nutrition and lifting sorted out so you start to see results right away.

    Your goals are totally achievable. I got back to the gym at the beginning of this year and have gained more muscle and lost more fat than you want to gain/lose. It may be frustrating in the beginning, but consistency will prevail!

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post

    I agree with above about getting blood work done. Also agree with getting your nutrition and lifting sorted out so you start to see results right away.

    Your goals are totally achievable. I got back to the gym at the beginning of this year and have gained more muscle and lost more fat than you want to gain/lose. It may be frustrating in the beginning, but consistency will prevail!
    (aint that the truth! this is a game of inches over a period of time. good things happen to those that are patient and endure!)

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