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Thread: Hey Guys

  1. #1
    bowldawg's Avatar
    bowldawg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Everett, WA

    Hey Guys

    I know there's an introduction forum and that I'm still a few days away from turning 40, but this looks like the perfect place to be. Wow what a great website!

    Anyway I'm turning 40 in January and while it's not a magic number it has provided me with a moment of reflection and motivation. I finally got off my ass in June and started lifting and eating right again and managed to go from 246 down to 196 and feel fantastic. I lifted pretty religiously from about 18 to 25 and then real life kicked in and fitness took a back seat. I have done a few cycles that were completely retarded with no pct when I was way to young. Back then I thought I was reasonably knowledgable about steroids and of course bullet proof. Man I wish i had access to the knowledge on this site when I was younger. Oh well I didnt screw myself up too bad.

    I really appreciate all the information from the members on here and look forward to participating in future discussions.

  2. #2
    bikeral's Avatar
    bikeral is offline Life is only stressful if you care!
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    Mar 2011
    Welcome. Congrats on loosing all that weight. I am 46 and went down from 280 to 220 over two years. Definitively check out the diet area. Seems like every time I think I have my diet down I learn something new. I recently purchased a food scale for example and found that my guestimates of protein I was putting in every meal were way off. Always learning and this is a great site for info.

  3. #3
    brazey's Avatar
    brazey is offline's Official Greeter
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    East Coast beach town
    Welcome, good to have you with us.

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