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  1. #1
    Donro is offline New Member
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    43 and thinking of a cycle

    I am almost 43 and am trying to research, this is a lot of information for me to retain and I am no dummy. I have my diet in check, I am 6'2" and weight 246. I have lost nearly 40 lbs in 4 months and am now really working to get to a 32" waist as for now I am at a 36 and my current BF is around 17.5. I would like to know do I wait until I have a BF of 9% or less or can I start a cycle at around 13%. what is recommended (what to stack) and I really would prefer injectable to go easy on the liver and all other organs (I want to remain healthy). I do know I need to do blood work to check all levels and as of my last one this year all is good. I am not trying to become mr universe but would like to build on my current physique.

  2. #2
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    If you don't have low test you should be able to build muscle and burn fat with diet and workout + cardio alone. If you needed to lose 40lbs. of fat then your diet was not in check. It's a lifestyle change. That is the healthiest way to do it.

  3. #3
    Donro is offline New Member
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    Brohim, you are correct I made a lifestyle change and hit the gym hard. Unlike when I was young I don't see the cutting as fast but do have larger muslces and am a lot stronger. I do take supplements and a multi vit pack daily, I am wanting to cut and stay that way.

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    It doesn't come as fast as when you are young but once you get there and stay at it you will be able to stay lean year round. It is way easier to maintain than it is to cut down. The hardest part is getting there.

  5. #5
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Donro, get full bloodwork done,

    CRP- (C-reactive protein )
    EBV SEROLOGY (Epstein Barr virus)
    FBC (full blood count)
    LFT (liver function test)
    TFTs (thyroid function tests)
    U/E (urea and electrolytes)
    PSA (prostate specific antigen)
    BIOAVAILABLE TESTOSTERONE (FREE TESTOSTERONE if bio-available not available)
    LH (luteinizing hormone )
    FSH (follicle stimulation hormone)
    SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin)
    FASTING DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

    once you have them you might find you will be a candidate for trt- get the docs to prescribe it if you need it. at least you will know where you stand hormonally and can make an informed decision.

    post the results here when you get them- im sure the guys will help point you in the right direction with or without your doctors help.

    getting test will help you build muscle and lose fat- BUT you will still have to work hard to get there- it just makes the rewards come faster, not easier.

    try getting as much fat off as possible - aromatase enzymes are located in fat and that means any testosterone will convert to estrogen making you fatter-

    you can probably take a low dose of clomid in the mean time for 6 weeks at 10mg a day to prevent estrogen binding- remember to taper the dosage down in the last 2 weeks

    but again only reccomended after you get bloodwork done and posted here. good luck champ

  6. #6
    Donro is offline New Member
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    I will take this advise, I did have my TL tested a couple of years ago and it was within normal limits but will get the recommended test done again. What is the normal experience with telling your doctor you want to take steroids , I kinda want to visit a clinic to get this blood work done. Again this is great advise.

  7. #7
    Simon1972's Avatar
    Simon1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donro View Post
    I will take this advise, I did have my TL tested a couple of years ago and it was within normal limits but will get the recommended test done again. What is the normal experience with telling your doctor you want to take steroids, I kinda want to visit a clinic to get this blood work done. Again this is great advise.
    get the test and grab copy! tell the doctor you have no sex drive, you cant maintain erections and are lethargic all day- they will find out if you are suffering depression, just answer the questions and say your life is fantastic, but you have noticed you no longer have energy and work is suffering. tell him you looked it up on the net and it was reccomended you get the tests i posted above. dont tell your doc about steroids . he wont help you. tell him you feel weak and youve been noticing the change for the last few years but recently your wife has asked you get your testosterone levels checked because its affecting your marriage etc etc..

  8. #8
    Remington's Avatar
    Remington is offline Alligator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    get the test and grab copy! tell the doctor you have no sex drive, you cant maintain erections and are lethargic all day- they will find out if you are suffering depression, just answer the questions and say your life is fantastic, but you have noticed you no longer have energy and work is suffering. tell him you looked it up on the net and it was reccomended you get the tests i posted above. dont tell your doc about steroids. he wont help you. tell him you feel weak and youve been noticing the change for the last few years but recently your wife has asked you get your testosterone levels checked because its affecting your marriage etc etc..
    Your a walking fountain of information.
    Isn't the internet a wonderful thing????
    I went back and read some of your other posts...your quite the human.
    Thanks for all the info.

  9. #9
    Too Little Muscles is offline New Member
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    All those tests will probably cost you close to a thousand dollars. If you are short of cash, an online lab called Direct Labs has a May special. CBC(complete blood count) and CWP(complete wellness profile) for $29.

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