I know some will have an intial reacation to this post that's negative. I do invite all comments. However, I have worked with an antiaging physician for a number of years prior to this date. I have done extensive research on replacement therapies and have closely observed the results of my labs over the years prior to making the decision to engage in TRT at this point.

I was diagnosed with a Transitional Cell Carcinoma on my left kidney last October. The tumor was advanced and the best approach was to remove the entire kidney. Since my surgery, I have been on surveillance testing, every three months to watch for any signs of recurrance.
So far, cytology labs have all come back negative (clean). During this time, my red blood cell count has been low--the natural response to only having one kidney. Also, I have low test levels and all the associated syptoms. I am considering administering Test E @ 100mg/wk. Since I will be on close surveillance, including labs to measure Test levels, I feel fairly confident that this will be beneficial for me. I am concerned that my low Test levels will result in cardiovascular problems over the long haul and, also I wish to raise my general sense of well being, improve muscle condition, better manage my LDL and, hopefully restore my libido to pre-surgical levels.

I know there will be some who's early reaction will be negative. However, I'm hopng some of the more experienced members of the board will think this through for a holistic point of view and agree that all things considered and monitored, this should result in some beneficial effects for me.
