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  • 2 Post By NiceGuyResearcher
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Thread: 79 is the new 29? Clarence Bass (the lean bodybuilder from the late 70s). He's still

  1. #1
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    79 is the new 29? Clarence Bass (the lean bodybuilder from the late 70s). He's still


    79 is the new 29? Clarence Bass (the lean bodybuilder from the late 70s). He's still around

    He's been able to keep a healthy weight it seems for his height

    This guy has like 3-5% bodyfat Im guessing even from the late 70s, he hasn't changed much

    Being originally a lawyer from New Mexico, too, and lawyers have a big risk of cardiovascular disease or a stroke, just because they (lawyers) think critically & are more prone to having a type a personality, this is even more of an achievement

    He was in some of Joe Weiders earlier books and has published several books himself

    not sure if you can see the link or click it

    but it is worth a copy & paste into your web browser for a look at
    Cylon357 and wango like this.

  2. #2
    wango's Avatar
    wango is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2020
    His pics in his 70’s and even in his 80’s are amazing. Man, my old training partner & I remember him well from 40 years ago. We still mention him from time to time.
    NiceGuyResearcher likes this.

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