Thread: PCT help
06-11-2004, 08:04 PM #1
PCT help
Hey everyone. I am doing 1cc deca week (10 weeks), 2cc test week (10 weeks), and winny at 50 mgs week (weeks 5-10). I am trying to put together my PCT properly. How does this sound:?
3 weeks AFTER last injection
50 mg EOD Nolvadex days 1-21
25 mg EOD Clomid days 21-45
Thanks again for all YOUR help guys... after all, you are the experts
06-11-2004, 08:07 PM #2
The cycle needs to be fixed...... what type of test are you running..... Let us know and we can help answer you better
06-11-2004, 08:18 PM #3
OK Cool...... I am running 2cc' week of Deca QV300 and super test-250 for 10 weeks. I want to mainly bulk and gain strength, but I do NOT want to get fat. So I have oral winnies, but am considering running them during my pct. I have Stan QV 10. But, I want an effective PCT program. I am picking up more gear tomorrow so I want to get all I need. Thanks
06-11-2004, 08:26 PM #4
You can't run the winny durring PCT....... You will never recover. Also the sus or super test needs to be injected EOD..... I would also inject the deca 2x per week.
This is how I would change the cycle
1 - 11 SUS 500mg/wk
1 - 10 Deca 300mg/wk
9 - 14 Winny 50mg ED
1 - 14 Nolva 10mg ED
1 - 14 L-dex .25mg ED
1 - 14 Vitamin B6 200mg ED
PCT start 1 day after last Winny injection/dose
Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex / 200mg B6
Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex / 200mg B6
Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / .25mg L-dex / 200mg B6
06-11-2004, 08:32 PM #5
I am definately gonna take 2 injections of the deca at 1cc apiece per week. If I go 2 cc with the test can I get away with the same injection cycle? 1 cc 2x a week? And is the cycle above ok WITHOUT the l-dex, in your opinion?
06-11-2004, 08:36 PM #6
You can keep the dosages on the deca the same 1ml = 300mg so just inject .5ml 2 times per week to get the 300mg.
On the SUS....... Many guys run it only twice a week but you will be wasteing the fast acting esters in the blend and will cause some hormonal imbalance.
If you don't use L-dex then run the Nolva at 20mg ED durring the cycle and PCT.
06-11-2004, 08:44 PM #7
So it would look like this:
1 - 11 SUS 500mg/wk (2 injections per week at 1cc each injection)
1 - 10 Deca 300mg/wk (2 injections per week at 1cc each injection)
9 - 14 Winny 50mg ED
1 - 14 Nolva 20mg ED
1 - 14 Vitamin B6 200mg ED
PCT start 1 day after last Winny injection/dose
Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / 200mg B6
Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / 200mg B6
Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / 200mg B6
But, since Sunday is actually week 2, and all I have taken thus far is 1 cc deca and 1cc test, I can get the rest of the gear tomorrow and follow the cycle from TOMORROW according to the above cycle and be cool right?
Thanks again
06-11-2004, 08:48 PM #8
1 - 10 Deca 300mg/wk (2 injections per week at 1cc each injection) this = 600mg/wk
1 - 10 Deca 300mg/wk (2 injections per week at .5cc each injection) this = 300mg/wk..... this is what you want
06-11-2004, 09:00 PM #9
Oh ok..... so run this then:
1 - 11 SUS 500mg/wk (2 injections per week at 1cc each injection)
1 - 10 Deca 300mg/wk (2 injections per week at 0.5cc each injection)
9 - 14 Winny 50mg ED
1 - 14 Nolva 20mg ED
1 - 14 Vitamin B6 200mg ED
PCT start 1 day after last Winny injection/dose
Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / 200mg B6
Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva / 200mg B6
Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva / 200mg B6
Also, what do you think about adding some fina?
06-11-2004, 09:02 PM #10
This looks good now........ I wouldn't add fina because you have deca in there and the shut down from both could be very hard to recover from.
06-11-2004, 09:03 PM #11
ok so I will like these results you think? And is it ok to like I said just start tomorrow from week 2 or should I start tomorrow as week 1 (remember I have taken 1 cc of each the deca and the test already in week 1)
06-11-2004, 09:08 PM #12
Just run the cycle out as is but with the new info....... What you get out of the cycle is up to you...... but if you eat clean and enough you should be happy.
06-11-2004, 09:12 PM #13
ok cool, so I will just take the other inject today and FINISH week 1 as per the new cycle. Thanks again MudMan for all your help and advice.
P.S. I have been eating extremely CLEAN and working out like an animal, and in my first 10 days have gained 7 1/2 lbs. I will keep all posted.
Thanks again bro
06-11-2004, 09:23 PM #14
Oh one more wuick question.... since I started with 1 cc deca on Sunday (last week) and I had 1cc test on Thurs, I am gonna run it up to 2 injections. Is it too soon to inject today the deca nd then sat the test then sunday the other deca and THEN run the regular schedule? This way I would be caught up on the dosages from week 1 and run it out from there since week 1 has NOT ended yet. What do ya think. Thanks again.
06-12-2004, 06:11 AM #15
Don't worry about "catching" catching up on the injections....... just make sure you get the dosages you need for the week and then get on the new schedual.
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