Thread: hcg Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-14-2005, 04:31 PM #1
hcg Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iam about to run a test,decca,d-bol stack in 2 months and iam just getting my gear little by little.Anyway I got a bottle of hcg 10,000 U how do I run that to keep my nuts plump and will that be enough for a 12 week cycle?
08-14-2005, 04:34 PM #2
IMO you don't need hcg for a 12 week cycle
08-14-2005, 04:42 PM #3
well aim doing it anyway cuz my nuts are still shrunk from my last cycle and to kill 2 birds with one stone when do i start taking nolvadex ,I have acess to 10mg/30 tablets how much do i need?
08-14-2005, 05:19 PM #4
ok, if you are getting bad shrinkage, you can use it at the end of your cycle. try 500 IU EOD during the last two weeks of the cycle, this means you should be doing your last shot of HCG while the last ester of aas runs out of your body. The deca lasts a while after your last shot, so wait a week after last deca shot (your test should also be over) and start your 2 week HCG. You should have nolva on hand for gyno, and maybe ldex at .25 ED for bloat if you wish. Start clomid therapy if you need to a couple days AFTER your last HCG shot. If you run the nolva (20mg ED) and ldex, run it all the way through your HCG and clomid, and run the nolva a little longer after the 21 day clomid therapy. All this is only really necessary if you tend to crash hard, as some people, like stocky says, can rebound of this cycle with no PCT help. I personally crash pretty hard, so i use the above PCT with clen . good luck
08-14-2005, 05:57 PM #5
so when should I start the nolvadex because iam gyno prone?
08-14-2005, 06:27 PM #6
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